Finding his hobbies/Chapter 4

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He seems to be looking at the prospect of a new hobby in a positive light.
"Go on... what do you have in mind?"...

", I could buy you some mannequin that you can hurt as much as you want, to test your abilities, and then maybe you can go around to kill people!" Kazuha smiled.
"I know it seems strange seeing a human talking about this... But whatever makes you happy!" He seemed to be trying his best to make Scaramouche find his purpose now.

"Oh! Oh! I... I could do that! I could kill mannequin people and... and it would... it would make me happy?"
Scaramouche sounds almost excited, but strangely enough... also confused.
How? Why? He'd always been taught that he was supposed to make people fear him. Make them quake in fear.
But now... that idea seems to make him almost happy.
"Yes! I want to try that!"

Kazuha looked smiled and sounded as excited as Scara.
"Okay! Tomorrow I'll go and buy some for you!"
He looked at him.
"Well, and mentioning that... You could maybe try some techniques with me if you want."

Scaramouche is about to protest as a sudden idea strikes him, seeming to make him happy too.
"Oh... oh! That sounds fun! Using all kinds of different techniques on you, practicing on you..."
He sounds excited.
"...You'd be okay with that?"
Kazuha must be more... more forgiving than he'd thought.

Kazuha smiled and stood up.
"Yeah, I'm fine with it. Go ahead, do what you would've done if I was another person invading your house."
He seemed confident.

"Oh! You... you want me to try... to fight you?"
Scaramouche's eyes gleam with interest.
Fight someone? Me?!? How could I possibly-
His heart is suddenly racing.
"Sure. I mean, if you want to."
Scaramouche smirks.
"I didn't think you'd be up for this... this will be fun."

"Yeah, go ahead!" Kazuha seemed confident wanting to make Scaramouche happy.

Scaramouche swallows. He takes a breath, then slowly raises his hands and begins to focus.
He gathers wind as he prepares himself to use one of his most powerful techniques.
He aims it at Kazuha's body, and...
A sudden wind strikes Kazuha's body, tossing him across the room.
It knocks him down and slams him against one of the walls, causing a loud thud.
Scaramouche watches him laying on the ground for a moment.
"Are you okay?"
He asks quietly.

Kazuha laughs.
"Yes, I'm okay!"
He stood up, it was hurting him but he enjoyed having fun.

Scaramouche looks relieved that Kazuha seems fine. But also, he looks strangely disappointed about the result.
He wanted to feel that rush again - that joy from being in control. From being powerful.
And Kazuha, the tiny mortal, didn't even seem like he felt that much pain.
"Do you want me to try again?"
Scaramouche asks as he looks at him.
"Are you even feeling some kind of pain from that? Like... is my technique useless? Do I need to do something...more to you?"

"Actually I can't even feel my body right now but I'm fine I guess."
He laughs in despair and then he gets closer to Scaramouche. He leans in to his face.
"You're strong."

Scaramouche stares at Kazuha for a moment.
He suddenly feels... strange.
The boy's words make a cold shiver run through him.
"Really? Am I... really strong?"
He looks... proud! And he doesn't even understand why.
He steps closer to Kazuha, their faces are now inches apart.
"I... do you think..."
He hesitates.
"Do you think I could be... more than a servant? A killer? Could I be... happy?"

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