[Sizes] 💔☁🍋

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Everyone has their insecurities, right? Of course, they do, although some may not. People can be insecure about a lot of things, their height, appearance, and weight. Particularly BF, who has always been aware of his weight. He never really accepted his body, it was more on the feminine side than most males, meaning he had thicker legs and slightly wider hips. This was why he'd always wear oversized clothing, like baggy jeans or sweats, and hoodies, or even just a normal t-shirt.

He never wanted to be made fun of for his appearance, or even get called fat, which had happened in his past, so he never wears tight clothing. No matter how many times he'd been told by friends or family that he's perfect no matter how he looks, he could never accept it.

He walked down the halls of his school. He kept his eyes on every person that passed by, looking for someone, particularly with fiery ginger hair. He didn't have many friends, besides GF, and Pico... and Pico's friends, Nene and Darnell. He liked Pico, but never could see himself with him. He was too cool to be with a loser like him.

Suddenly the next thing he felt was a crumpled-up piece of paper hit him in the back of the head. "Faggot!" someone yelled out, followed by the laughter of other kids. Oh yeah... there was that too. BF was bisexual, of course most kids at his school were homophobes, there were still others who were closeted because of them too. People found out BF was bi because of a crush he used to have on another male. It sorta turned to be where he'd pay the guy to fuck around with him. Well... word spreads quickly, am I right?

BF began to walk quickly on the verge of tears already. He began running until he ran into somebody. The other person was much taller, so they didn't fall back over, however BF did. "Woah there! Watch where you're going, buddy." A hand was extended to help BF up. The small bluenette looked up, and there he was, the person he was looking for, Pico. He helped him up. "Sorry, Pico.." BF mumbled.

"Aww, little Keithy found himself another fuck toy!" Another kid blurted out. Pico looked at them and glared. "And you need to find yourself a brain, his name isn't Keith, dumbass." The kid rolled his eyes and walked away, along with the other kids going back to their school stuff.

Pico looked down at BF, "What's wrong, BF? You don't seem like your normal happy self." "I'm fine, don't worry." BF plastered a smile on his face, Pico could see right through it. "You know if you need me to beat some kid's ass, I'll do it."

BF giggled a little, "No, it's fine." "C'mon, B', you can't keep letting them walk all over you, punch them in the face!" Pico urged. "You always resort to violence!" BF giggled.

"What can I say, violence is always the answer." Pico grinned. "Is not!" the smaller one protested. The two started walking to their next and last class, which they shared, and were lucky enough to be sat next to one another. The two made their way to the back, BF almost being tripped as he went. He looked down as he sat, and Pico looked concerned, "You sure you're okay?" BF nodded.

Later on, in the middle of class, another kid raised his hand. "Teacher! I think I speak for everyone in the class, even the school, faggots shouldn't be allowed in the class. Even fat and slutty ones at that." he said, giving a side eye to BF. BF's eyes widened as a majority of the students started laughing. Tears filled the bluenette's eyes. Pico looked at BF, "Hey, Bee, it's okay, just ignore them." he whispered. BF didn't listen, almost like he couldn't hear him, he just watched as everyone laughed at him. He couldn't take it anymore.

He got up and ran out of the room, to end up hiding in a nearby bathroom. Moments passed by as he sobbed until he heard footsteps approaching. Was it another bully? "BF, you in here?" the voice called. "P-Pico...?" BF responded; his voice soft. "It's me, don't worry. You... you wanna talk?" BF hesitated. Did he hate him now? All he was was a stupid and fat bisexual loser..

He opened the stall door anyway, taking sight of the ginger, causing him to burst into tears once again and lean onto the other, sobbing. Pico wrapped his arms around the bluenette, rubbing and patting his back. "It's okay, BF.. they're just lowlife assholes who have nothing better to to than to pick on you. You're beautiful the way you are."

"No! I'm not!"

Pico looked at him sympathetically, "BF..-" "They're right, they all are! I'm fat.. my body's all weird.. and I'm just a faggot who wants it up the ass..." BF looked down, sniffling. Pico stood silent, trying to think of what to say next.

"You know what, maybe they are right." he said calmly. BF looked up at him in surprise. He knew he just said what he said about himself but damn, that hurt.. especially from the one he wanted most. "But even if they were, the BF I know is kind, warm-hearted, funny, smart, and the cutest ever. And that is way more than enough than what they think."

"Y-you think.. you think I'm cute...?" BF mumbled, his cheeks turning red, even redder than they were. "You kidding me? You're the whole definition of cute!" Pico replied. "I-I am not..! I'm ugly.. and fat." BF looked down again. "I don't get how they can get something so untrue into your head! You're not fat, BF.."

"Fine, I'll show you then.." BF said. "Wait what-?" Before Pico knew it, BF began to take off his hoodie, revealing his upper half. Pico's cheeks flushed red at the sight. BF wasn't fat at all. He had a little plump stomach, sure. But he was skinny as hell. Even.. even sexy, one would say. His waist was small, and you could see how his hips look more feminine. "BF.. you're not fat, you're fine as fuck. Those assholes are all wrong about you." BF's face turned red, "T-that's not the reaction I was expecting.." Pico walked over to him and placed his arms on his waist.

"BF. You are not fat. You're gorgeous. Other people are just jealous that they're not as beautiful as you." The ginger's hands moved round BF's bare upper body. "Pico.. what are you doing..?"

"I'm trying to get you to realize how beautiful you really are."

"H-how are you gonna do that..?" BF questions. Pico stepped into the stall and shut the door, locking it. It wasn't one of the handicap stalls, so it wasn't that much room. "Pico.." BF started. Pico inched towards him, holding him close until BF could feel his breath on his skin. Were they gonna fuck? They were in school! Pico just leaned down and started kissing on the other's neck lightly. 

"Pico.. we can't do it in here.." BF remarked. He was right, they couldn't. But who said a little fun would hurt? The taller started kissing along the blue one's shoulder, starting to suck along it, biting it occasionally. BF let out a few whines here and there. Pico decided to leave I at that, he didn't want to be gone for too long.. yet he didn't want BF to go back to that hell of a classroom. 

"Why don't we skip the rest of the day and head to your place? Your parents should be gone, right?" Pico suggested. "Um.. Yeah, they're on a business trip." BF replied. "Then I can prove my point later~" Pico grinned. BF knew what he meant, so his face turned red. Pico gave BF his hoodie and he put it on, then the pair proceeded the sneakily get their things and leave without being noticed.

Then they fucked at BF's house :)

1.3K words

There, another one, you're welcome. Now to work on requests :3

Pico x BF OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now