Get Ready for a 3v1!

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Sausage stood a few feet away from Mushroom, she was happy to she Mushroom again but Mushroom wasn't happy to see Sausage. Sausage would try and approach her friend but Mushroom would step back everytime.

Mushroom: S-Stay away from me! I-I'm warning you!

Sausage: Mushroom, it's okay. You know me, right?

Mushroom: No! I don't know you.

Sausage tried to approach her friend again but she stepped back and this time, kicking the sculk shrieker for a third time which released an ear piercing screech.

Sausage: What do you mean? It's me, Sausage. You're best friend.

Mushroom: No, you're not the Sausage that I know!

Sausage: Come on Mushroom, you gotta listen to me-

Mushroom: No you listen! The Sausage I know doesn't rape her best friend, she doesn't abuse them for 3 months straight. She is a fighter but she has a soft spot for me, she doesn't do any of the things that I have listed. You're not the real one, you're an imposter!

Sausage: Come on, Mushroom. You're making me lose my paitience.

Mushroom: Don't even refer to me by that name anymore, only my friends get to use that name. Get out of here, you rapist!


Sausage: Fine then, it's gonna be like that then. Very well~

Sausage approached Mushroom and slammed her to the floor. Sausage's tongue licked Mushroom's cheek as Sausage's body came closer to Mushroom's body. Sausage's lust for Mushroom soon took over Sausage, making her not think straight.

Sausage: Don't you remember this? This was the moment where I was gonna make love to you~ Too bad it was interrupted by Peppino, but he isn't here to stop us now~

Mushroom: He's not dead, is he?

Sausage: No, my love. The Wither has gotten him covered, so now you and me can continue with our love making!

Sausage forced her lips on Mushroom's, kissing her with such aggression. Mushroom wasn't gonna sit around and let Sausage overpower her like last time, she was gonna fight. Mushroom Sausage off of her and then kicked her in the face. She got up and made a break for the sculk shrieker. Sausage could feel a bit of blood coming from her face as she was holding her face.

Sausage: Correr, Correr Portabella~

Sausage got up and ran after Mushroom, grabbing her by leg and making her fall a few inches away from the shrieker. Sausage hopped on top of her and restrained Mushroom, who was 1 inch away from the shrieker.

Sausage: I always love it when my prey try to run, but now we've reached the end, my pretty~

Sausage was about to reach for Mushroom's pants, however, she felt a sharp pain in her right knee: Mushroom stabbed Sausage with an arrow. Mushroom couldn't reach the shrieker because of Sausage's foot being on top of her. The axolotl that The Warden brought to her aided her by biting the shrieker, allowing it to send the 4th screech and awaken Mushroom's friend; The Warden.


The Warden turned around and sniffed the air to identify Sausage. Sausage smelled like blood and he went off with that. The Warden picked Sausage up and threw her onto Tomato. The Warden jumped in the air to reach Sausage. Once he got there, he was pissed and was ready to fight Sausage.

Sausage: So, relying on blind creatures to protect you? No matter. Once I'm done with this guy, I will have you all to myself!

Warden: You stay away from friend! You don't deserve her!

Sausage: So.... he speaks now eh? Doesn't change the fact that I'll pumel you!

Sausage pulled out 5 strength II potions and 1 enchanted golden apple. Without a second thought, she drank them all and ate the apple at the same time. The pain was immeasurable, the pain she felt was coming from an overdose of power. He veins were bright red, her pupils were scarlet pink and the band in her hair was now wrapped around her right arm. Her hair was flowing loose and freely.

A red and white flare glowed around Sausage, her hair was now a white color and her eyes were scarlet red.

The Warden thumped his chest and roared, his little horns were glowing along with his ribcage, parts of his arms and entire spine too. Before they were about to fight. Peppino showed up with The Wither behind him.

Wither: Well well well, if it isn't my old friend, The Warden.

The Warden sniffed the air and immediately recognized who it was. He smelled a sweaty italian and death.

Warden: You.... I thought I killed you!

Wither: You did, but thanks to Sausage I can enact my revenge against you! Do you need some assistance, creator?

Sausage: Gladly.


Sausage: Needs some assitance getting a P-Rank?


Warden: Well then, let's get show on road.

To be continued

Pizza Tower x Minecraft: Into The Nether and The EndWhere stories live. Discover now