boss battle : compale snowman

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*snowman compale rapidly throws snowballs at naen and shallare*

naen : ow. ow. ow. ow. ow.

shallare : STOP IT *laser*

(the lazer dealt great damage)

naen : aaaand.. BLUSTER

(a cluster of wind blows at compale snowman, dealing some damage.)

*compale snowman becomes more angry, blowing snow everywhere and throwing ice shards*

naen : OW! what the- a shard of ice?

*the ice begins to spread around naen*

naen : i think something is wrong with the ice he throws..

*naen turns into ice*

shallare : what the heck- oh wait, i have an idea

*shallare uses the human cannonball ability, breaking the ice and freeing naen*

naen : oh, i can move again.

naen : why did you use me as a cannonball?

shallare : uhh.. nothing!

*naen is at 50% anger at shallare, at 100% quarrels will happen until they stop*

naen : anyways, one final blow, BLUSTER

(another giant cluster of wind blows at compale snowman)

(and like that, compale snowman is defeated!)

(compale's symbol floats off of the pile of snow, heading towards the portal to the emporium.)

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