boss battle : golem ploque

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*golem ploque slams his fists on the ground, shaking the entire platform*

star savior : woah-

signol : this one goes to all of you! (Earworm)

*golem ploque started dancing*

*naen and solgon try hitting golem ploque, but he seems to be indestructable*

star savior : i think we gotta push him off the edge.

*ploque golem stopped dancing*

*ploque golem hits naen*

naen : OWWW

*solgon gets angry*

solgon : how dare you! *hits ploque golem really hard*

(ploque golem is about to fall over)

signol : (idea) i got it.

signol : naen, ploque golem hitting you will make solgon angry? what if you get hit, i heal you. solgon gets angry and hits ploque golem. cycle repeats. how does that sound?

naen : your right! lets do this

star savior : i guess ill just keep using spells or something.

(they do the cycle a couple of times)

signol : oh wait. i have no more mp.

naen : but ploque golem has fallen over.

solgon : quick! push him off before he gets up again!

(unluckily, ploque golem gets up and hits all of them in a row)

solgon : oh no. not good.

(ploque golem is about to smash them into pancakes until..)

??? : woah there buddy lets cool ya down.

*compale suddenly appears and uses unstable formula*

(ploque golem jumps back, avoiding it. but little did he know, he just jumped onto the edge)

*ploque golem falls to the ground, fallng into the saws below.*

ploque's face flys off of the chunks of wood, heading toward the (You get it)

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