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In a Darkroom sat a male with his hood up hiding most of his features and his hands cuffed to the table, he made no movements other than his shoulders raising and lowering from his breathing, he had been in the room for over half an hour, with nothing but armed guards who kept their weapons close in case he made any moves to escape. after a while longer the iron door opened and in stepped a man with a high officer set of clothes, he took off his cap and set it on the table and took a seat across from the chained male, and gave a warm smile

Officer: leave us, gentlemen. I can handle things from here

The armed men looked at each other before they left the room in a single file and closed the door and locked it again. The chained male looked up enough so the light illuminated his mouth and the tip of his nose but his eyes were on the Officer

Officer: I am Comador Turner, and you are a hard man to Find Mr. Atano. Wanted on 4 different planets, a bounty in the Millions, and a kill count I won't even discuss.

he said listing the male's record to see if there were any reactions but found none, only a calm exterior that only trained people can pull off, so he decided to pull the black records

Turner: But the most impressive would be the murder of Queen Serena the III, the destruction of Igus VII, and the break out of Black Iron Prison.

This got a reaction from the Chained Male as he slammed his hands on the iron table

Male: I Didn't Kill Her!

The Comador didn't flinch at the outburst but intertwined his hands and leaned back in his Chair

Turner: then please tell me what happened that day Mr Atano.

The Male sighed and leaned back in this chair looking down as he remembered the day his life was thrown off the rails and made him a criminal to his own homeland

[Flashback 15 years ago}

"It was a normal day, like any other, I was playing with my little sister in the courtyard, I had the day off from my studies and training so I was enjoying it. we were playing Hide and seek, I was seeking and she was hiding behind a bush"

Male: where are you, Karla?~

"I knew where she was obviously, she giggled a lot when she had fun, but I wanted her to enjoy the game so I was playing a fool. after a bit I found her and we switched roles, since I was larger I was easier to find for her. After a bit, we saw our mother going to the patio. we went to talk with her... little did we know of the tragedy that we'd witness"

The two children ran to meet their mother and were enjoying the time with her before they noticed the guards were gone and the area was unnervingly quiet, they then saw men in gas masks running on the roof and jumped to land in front of the family

"since I was the only one with a blade I drew it and did my best to fight them off, but obviously I lost, I was pinned against a post and they grabbed my sister, my mother tried to stop them but a man slapped her and then he grabbed my sword from the ground and stabbed her in the heart, they then took my sister and disappeared as quickly as they appeared... I was only able to hold my mother as she died in my arms... and so I was framed for the Murder of the Queen, my mother. and the disappearance of my sister. easier paperwork to think I plotted to take the throne I guess"

the guards struck the young male with the pommel of their swords and then dragged him off to the highest max prison, Black Iron Prison. there they stripped him and strapped him to a chair and shaved off his hair and held his head down and branded the back of his neck with his new identity, 0115.

[3 years later]

"the time blurred together after that, daily beatings, either with dull swords, or hot iron in the interrogation room, all to try and get a confession from me, but I never caved. but I don't remember a lot of that anymore, suppressed it enough I guess. One day, something happened and a riot happened, it was pure chaos, but I took the opportunity and clawed my way out of that hell"

the now 18-year-old male was holding a large wrench tool as he beat a guards head in with yells of fury before he continued to run hitting anyone who tried to stop him or attacked him for the fun of it, his old training kicking in and he was able to win each fight, his skills rusty and did take a few hits but was still able to reach the gate as it was lowered, not wanting to be caught again he dived through the small opening, death being welcome if he didn't get out fully. but he did and dived into the water below and swam away

[2 years later]

"I had to work in the underground till I had enough to make forged papers and got a job on a mining ship, R.S.L Isshinmura. that's where this story ends"


The two males sat in the room in silence, Comador Turner was stunned while the Chained male sat there looking at Turner with a cold look that he felt through the vail his hood provided

Male: that's my story, or the start of it anyway, and I won't be telling you anymore after I left earth

Turner: I understand, this must have been difficult to talk about.

the two fell into another silence Turner didn't know where to go from this, And the male had no intention of telling him anymore about his life, if he would be executed for his crimes then so be it

Turner: I have friends in high places that can clear your record, given you do one thing for us

This piqued the Male's interest making him lean in slightly towards the Comador, the movement was so silent the Comador understood he was making a huge risk that would have him court marshaled if he was wrong

Male: I'm listening

Turner: a map was found, I want you to sail with a captain to the planet and secure it for the Navy. do that and your record will be wiped clean.

Male: interesting offer. what treasure is worth so much to clear my record?

Turner:... The Loot Of A Thousand Worlds

The male's posture showed his surprise as his mouth opened in shock, and leaned back as if he couldn't believe his ears

Male: Capitan Flint's Trove, a map has actually been found?

Turner: yes. we believe so, and if you secure that treasure you will be a free man with a share of the spoils to help you on your way.

The male looked down at the table as he was in deep thought, Turner didn't blame him, it was a good deal and his freedom was offered to him, after a minute the male reached up and pulled down his hood to show a middle-aged man with H/C and hair and dull E/C eyes

Male: I'll need a new name. Y/N Kenway will work best. and who will be the Captian?

Turner: a trusted friend of mine, Captian Amelia, of the R.L.S Legacy.

Y/N: Understood. Comador, we have ourselves a deal

Y/N reached across the table as best the chains would allow him, the Comador smiled and reached the rest of the way and shook Y/N's hand, and pulled out a metallic mask that looked like a Metal skull

Turner: and what shall I do with this? do you wish to keep it?

Y/N:... keep it, melt it, or keep it as a trophy. I won't need it anymore

The commodore nodded and stood up and knocked on the door and went to make the deal official with the governors. As he walked down the hall he looked down at the mask in his hand, and wondered how many people had met their end staring into the cold eyes the mask had, he just hoped this went well and didn't go sideways

Turner: if he makes a run for it I'll be court marshaled and stripped of my rank on the spot. if he can't secure the treasure he'll be executed. if he stays in line and secures the treasure we go our separate ways with no issues. gods above I hope nothing goes wrong

he said to himself as the screen goes black as he left the prison his boots hitting sone was all that was heard now

{so this is the start of this, I want to get this out since it will be faster than the other ones since it's a movie and not a series. and I can continue it my own way after it's all over, such as in Act 1 being the treasure planet ark. I'm planning on making 3 Acts in total}

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