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I awoke an hour later from what my watch told me, I got up and got dressed making sure the key was in place before heading up and seeing Jim mop the stem of the ship with the Morph helping him, I turned around and took my place at the helm giving Mr. Turnbuckle the night off, a bit of time later Silver came up to address Jim and throw out some waste from the kitchen and I could slightly hear their conversation from how quiet it was, turns out Jim's father left and didn't return, which explains his problem with authority I guess. Silver promised skill being drilled into the kid's head which made me smirk, the kid will learn something by the end of the voyage I'm sure. they soon went below deck to rest for the night leaving me alone on the deck.
I was left alone with my thoughts, and my thoughts brought me back to Black Iron, I didn't tell Turner how I actually escaped, and it's better that way, what happened that day will die with me. But during quiet times like this, I can faintly hear the alarm, the fire, the screams, and the smell of burning oil, blood, and gore. glad it's behind me, but it doesn't mean it left me, something like that day would traumatize anyone into insanity, but I was just broken enough to survive, funny enough. With nothing else to do, I started to sing a little tune to help pass the time.

Y/N: "Beneath the silence of the snow, a secret lies in waiting, the light is fading, as shadows grow.
What's hiding no one knows, but my fever's begun breaking, and I'm still shaking. 

But I'm not cold.

What are the lies I've been told?
How long have I been in the cold?
I'm adapting, I'm evolving, but the doors I've unlocked are revolving.
Where's the time that I am owed?
How did my life get bought and sold?
Cause I'm cracking, and I'm falling.
But now nothing is going to stop me from walking through the storm"

Cpt. Amelia: That's an interesting shanty, Mr. Kenway.

Surprised I turned around quickly only to me Amelia standing in the doorway to her Stateroom, I breathed out a sigh of relief and relaxed my fist I didn't know I made. I straightened up and nodded to her respectfully.

Y/N: Capitan. I thought you would be resting like everyone else. 

Cpt. Amelia: Yes, I guess you would think so. But I always stay up later to make sure everything is taken care of before I head to sleep. What's that song? I never heard it before.

I was debating on telling her but decided against it as I turned around and took the wheel and kept us on course doing my best to not engage the Capitan.

Cpt. Amelia: Mr. Kenway, I understand if you wish to keep things private, but it is considered rude to just outright ignore someone.

Damn sounds like one of my mother's lessons we had in manners, never thought I'd miss those as much as I do, sighing I walked to the side a bit and leaned against the railing and looked at the deck below, Amelia walked up beside me and rested on the railing as well while looking at me.

Y/N: It's nothing special, just a song I made to pass the time.

Amelia: Apologize Mr. Kenway, but those lyrics had a deeper meaning than a simple,    pass time.

Y/N: 'Damn she's good. Most people leave it at that' well true, but I don't wish to talk about my song.

Amelia: Well, what do you wish to talk about?

Y/N: 'And I thought my mother was stubborn' I don't know. Got any plans after this voyage? got another one in mind?

Amelia: actually yes, but I believe you won't be joining us on it, am I correct?

Y/N: No, I don't think I will. This voyage is a means to an end for me, and I'll finally be able to rest.

Amelia: Oh, leaving the Navy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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