18 Months

131 4 2

Inspired by a nice little Rec on Tumblr by an Anon so if it's you I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU!

Basically a parallel of the morning in the chateau from Season 1 Episode 1 to after the 18 months with more *spice*

Keep in mind, all of the places I mentioned (like Capers, Shem Creek, and Saltwater Cowboys) are real places but are just in Charleston, SC cause I live there and just wanna keep things true to the show. Cause the boneyard literally is a place and it literally is on Capers and they literally filmed it there. AHHHHH. still crazy for me to think about. It doesn't add to the plot at all I just felt like explaining. Also the fact that I used to go to camp at Camp St. Christopher which is Camp Kitty Hawk in the show. I stayed in the reflection cabin and cabin 6 is technically where we played the games. The more you know.

     The sun was shining through the new windows of the rebuilt Chateau as the group was waking up for the day, eyes foggy and muscles relaxed from the best sleep any of them have had in years. These were the mornings that they all took their time in waking up, trying to savor the feeling of complete peace and nothing to do and nowhere to go. It was reminiscent of the early mornings the 4 of them spent in the chateau before there was any ever talk of gold and fatherless kids. When JJ would be up early on the dock, fishing for the redfish that would make their way through the marsh in the early morning and John B would be cleaning up the backyard from the group's endeavors the night before, per the request of Big John. Kiara and Pope would come in a little later from their respective houses where Pope would help clean and Kiara would heat up the breakfast she grabbed from the Wreck on her way to the shack.

This morning wasn't very different, except for the fact that the Chateau had enough bedrooms for all of them to stay there, there was no Big John nagging at them to get up and clean, and there were 2 added members. John B woke up with a smile, remembering how the last night ended. The 6 of them outside sprawled out on lawn chairs, the hammock, and any place they could find and drank more than their fair share of alcohol. JJ and Kiara splitting a joint with their shoulders pressed together laughing over something stupid, Pope and Cleo staying sober so they can 'care you four when you can't stand straight in the morning' as they put it, and him and Sarah keeping close in the cold humid air and leading the conversation between the 6 of them. The night ended with Sarah and JB leaving before the other 4 to go back to their room to 'talk', but when JB woke up with no shirt on, it told a different story. But instead of rolling over to see the blonde, the bed was empty. So naturally he rolled out of bed and tried to find her.

Their room was at the end of the hallway in the 1-floor house, because even if they did have millions of dollars, 'you can't keep a pogue from its roots' JJ had said. So when it was time to rebuild the Chateau, they knew they had to keep it humble. So Sarah and JB took the master bedroom in the back, Kiara had moved back in with her parents so she didn't technically have a room, but she shared JJ's when she stayed there in the middle of the hallway, and there was a guest room in the front saved for Pope and Cleo when they wanted to stay at the house. And for old-time's sake, there was the pullout with an equally shitty mattress as before. Having the master bedroom has its perks, more room, a bigger bathroom, and the list goes on; however, it has plenty of downfalls. Like when you walk past your sexually frustrated two best friends every morning they're here, like this specific morning.

"Guys!" JB groaned at JJ and Kiara, "If you're gonna do this, close the fucking door."

"Sorry man," JJ said getting up, straightening out his pants, and throwing on his shirt from the day before, "didn't close the door when we came in last night. We had other priorities..." He turned back to Kiara and pressed a kiss to her lips, which was deeper than Kiara had expected. She pulled away from him causing him to give her a little groan of disappointment, when she followed suit and stood up, following JB as he was leaving their room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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