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𝘼𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙠𝙖 𝙥𝙤𝙫
Today was the best day ever, New kids, That means  i get to skip classes! And i had a presentation in History, It was perfect timing actually.

"Yana!" i yelled my little sisters name  "What Nika?" She asked coming in my room "What time is it?" i had to be at school like 30 minutes earlier "7:10" She said blankly "Thanks Yana" i told her, She rolled her eyes. She always complains i'm never nice to her and now that i am she's being a bitch? "Bitch" i muttered, Oh yea she also left the door open. On purpose.

I got up quickly so i wasn't late, I went into the bathroom and washed my face, And did some skincare before getting ready. I wore baggy jeans and a off the shoulder baggy shirt i cut. I did my everyday makeup, Concealer, highlight, Mascara, eyeliner.

"Mom dad i'm gonna be home late tonight" I told them grabbing a pice of toast and my Dad looked at my outfit before smiling,  "Why nika?" My mom asked "Band practice Akria wants this song to be perfect" I told her making her nod slowly "Can you drop Yana off?" She asked, "Yea YANA LETS GO" I yelled for her "JUST A MINUTE ANA" She yelled back, so i sat next to my dad and we talked.

"How's the band?" He asked while my mom went upstairs to help Yana "Good, I need some more help with this tune though you think you could help me out?" I asked him. My dad was the coolest guy i've ever known, he once was in a band before he met my mom, He also played electric guitar just like me. I was basically his clone. We talked all the way until Yana and my mom came back downstairs.

"Yana walk faster, God you're so slow" I spoke to her in english so she can practice for School, Yana was so lucky. She was born in America and i wasn't so she can't really get bullied for being an 'Immigrant' like i do, Well maybe a 'Commie' or 'Terrorist' but people don't start talking shit when you are in Kindergarten but 5th grade, That was a living hell.

"Okay so usually they have teachers that speak Russian language so you will be fine" i told her once we were in front of the building "Okay" She inhaled sacredly "Yana look" I kneeled down to her height and put my hands on her shoulders "It's gonna be okay, And if someone is mean to you i will beat them up" I told her punching the air making me laugh "Okay?" Okay" She smiled.

I walked her into her classroom "Hey, You must be little Yana!" Her teacher said, i looked around the room and saw multiple, Russian/Ukrainians Yana will be fine. "Are you Yana's mom?" She asked me "Oh no! I'm her sister, Anichka" I said shaking her hand she had put out for me "Well it's amazing to meet you!" She said cheerfully and i gave her a small smile.

"Well Yana let's go" She said calmly but Yana hooked onto me "Yana it's okay, You will go home soon it will feel like 10 minutes" i told her, trying to encourage her "You sure?" She asked, i nodded as i response "Mom and dad will pick you up" she nodded "Here Yana want me to go find a Girl who you can talk to?" Her teacher asked friendly, Yana nodded slowly and her teacher left and came back with a little girl "Here this is Sofiia" She introduced them "Hello i'm Sofiia you speak Ukrainian?" She asked Yana "No russian but wanna be friends?" Yana asked and i smiled "Bye yana" I waved and gave her a hug "I love you" "I love you too" she said before running off with Sofiia.

I walked All the way to school barely in time, I didn't get to say hi to my friends because i had to go straight to the principals office so i could show the new students around.

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