Chapter Three: First Bath

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**Just a warning, this chapter has anatomically correct language**

It was the second week of Emilia and Romeo's lives and somehow, neither Buck nor Eddie had given either baby a bath yet. The first night they'd crashed, the second night Abuela was over and offered to bathe them. From then onwards, it had either been a no-bath day, or they'd had a relative or friend beg to do it for them. A highlight had been watching Maddie and Chimney do it. Eddie was convinced they'd be experts, what with Jee-Yun being a couple years old by now, but it had been a surprising disaster, with both adults requiring a dry set of clothes. Eddie didn't like to admit that he'd been relying on their expertise to remind him how it was done, even to pick up a couple of tips, but if he was honest, it was more a masterclass in how to not bathe a baby. Now it was a couple of days since the twins had last had a bath and it didn't look as though any relatives or friends would be emerging from the woodwork to bail them out this time.

That evening after dinner, Eddie quietly YouTube'd a "How to clean your baby" video, whilst pretending to use the bathroom. His pride was never going to allow him to admit to Buck that he didn't know what he was doing. The younger man was so nervous that he was going to do something wrong and constantly looked to Eddie as a source of knowledge when it came to the babies, Eddie didn't want to let him down by making it seem as though he was equally as clueless. After studying the video intently, he got up off the toilet where he'd been perched and strolled casually into the kitchen where Buck and Christopher were doing the dishes.

"So, we need to give the babies a bath tonight" he said, nonchalantly leaning against the counter.

Buck went still and stopped scrubbing the dish he had in his hand.

"Uh, I thought they'd be okay for a couple more days? I mean, Bobby and Athen are coming over tomorrow night so couldn't they...?"

Eddie rolled his eyes as he watched Buck squirm. Christopher had set down the tea towel he was holding and moved to sit at one of the stools under the island, watching his dad and step-dad with a look of amusement on his face.

"Buck, these are our children. Whether we like it or not we're gonna have to give them a bath at some point. It's not like we can get our family to do them until they're at school".

Buck sighed and moved to dry his hands. "I don't know what to do though. What if I drop them?" he said, face falling slightly.

Eddie moved behind him and placed his arm around his shoulder, planting a kiss on the back of his neck. "You're not going to drop them, mi amor. You're a good dad".

Buck took in a deep breath. "Okay, just let me and Chris finish these dishes off and I'll go grab the tub".

"Can I give them a bath, Dad?" Christopher piped up from where he was sitting.

Eddie laughed. "Maybe when you're a little older, mijo.

Christopher pouted and hopped down from his stool. "Fine", he grumbled, shuffling off to his bedroom. "I'll just go play games".

Eddie let him go. Since the babies had come home, Christopher had had a little trouble adjusting to the two new humans that now took up his dads' time. Buck and Eddie had decided that once the babies were a little older, the two of them would take Christopher away for a weekend, just the three of them.

Once the dishes were done, Buck went and grabbed the little tub they had for the sink. In order to effectively divide and conquer bath time with twins, the boys had decided that they'd have one baby in a Moses basket on the island while the other baby was bathed. Eddie set up the island as a baby changing station/post bath drying area. He placed a changing mat next to one of the baskets, with a bag for them to put the diapers in, and around the mat he laid out two towels, two onesies and two diapers, all ready for the babies for when they were clean. Buck came into the kitchen with a baby in each arm, a position he'd become remarkably proficient at, handing Eddie a baby when he held his arms out for her. Eddie laid Emilia down in the Moses basket, delicately tucking a blanket around her body and shushing her quietly to stop her fussing. Buck in the meantime had laid Romeo down on the changing mat and was getting down to the fiddly task of undressing the little boy.

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