↪ Chapter 2: The Fight of a Lifetime ♟

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Supply Zone - 7:25am

Koi: We don't have any time to waste, we need to go, now!

Himeko: We're in the supply zone now, I know a path that leads straight to the railway platform, Welt should on his way there too, follow me!

Koi: Dad's here too? 

Himeko: Yeah, and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you again *giggles* enough chatting for now though let's all meet up at the railway platform!

The group nod their heads in agreement whilst running down the instructed path. AS they reach the platform, Dan Heng eyes widen as he calls out to his team mate.

Dan Heng: Wait. March!

A dragon-like creature flies past the team and turns around to charge at the team.

Himeko: The Doomsday beast, it really is here... Everyone! Prepare yourselves!

Stelle + Dan Heng + March: Ready!

Stelle swings her bat with immense force whilst Dan Heng deals a few strikes in unison whilst deflecting oncoming attacks coming in the way of Stelle

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Stelle swings her bat with immense force whilst Dan Heng deals a few strikes in unison whilst deflecting oncoming attacks coming in the way of Stelle. March provides supporting fire, whilst Himeko slices down the beast's barriers continuously. Koi uses his skill to deal as much damage possible and keep his team safe.

The group keeps on fighting for hours on end before they eventually start to run out of stamina due to injuries they sustained during the battle. Finally, they bring the beast down to it's knees, it collapses, small gold and navy blue particles escaping the beast. Or so they thought.

March: I... *ragged breathing* I... I think it's done-

As she falls to the ground from exhaustion, she sees a glimmer of light emitting from the doomsday beast as her eyes widen in shock. She tries to get up and run but ultimately fails, as she falls to the ground from her injured leg. March looks back as the beast slowly rises again, preparing multiple, laser piercing shots at her.

March: What in the world-

Stelle: March look out!

She lifts her arms up to shield her eyes from the bright light before she feels someone push her to the ground. She opens her eyes slowly to see the white haired swordsman above her, bleeding from his mouth. That's when she notices the big wound on the left side of his stomach.

March: Koi! 

The archer looks around for help only to see Dan Heng knocked out cold against the floor, whilst Stelle tends to his wounds and Himeko almost out of breath as she rests her back against a wall trying to regain her composure.

Koi: *coughing* Mom, get Dan Heng and Stelle out of here, I've got March.

Stelle: What?!

Himeko: Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you here to die! I just got to see you again!

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