Chapter 1

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As a child growing up in the bustling neighborhood of Kepong, Hairi Yatim shared a modest home with his washed-up boxer father, Adeeb Yatim. Kepong was a vibrant, eclectic community teeming with life, where the narrow streets echoed with the cacophony of vendors hawking their wares and children playing games of imagination.

Hairi's father, Adeeb, was a broken man, haunted by regrets and the mistakes of his past. He constantly reminded young Hairi of the importance of getting a good education and making something of himself, to avoid the same fate that had befallen him. Despite his father's hardships and the stern advice he often received, Hairi admired Adeeb deeply and cherished every moment they spent together.

One fateful day, after the final school bell had rung and he was walking home along the familiar streets of Kepong, young Hairi's life would change forever. As he strolled down the bustling sidewalk, he noticed a blind man, a regular fixture in the neighborhood, walking hesitantly toward an oncoming truck. Panic gripped him as he watched the oblivious man inch closer to danger.

Reacting instinctively, Hairi's heart pounded in his chest as he rushed forward, shouting urgently, "Sir, watch out!" With a burst of energy and courage, he pushed the blind man out of harm's way just in the nick of time. However, the sudden intervention had unforeseen consequences. The truck lost control and careened wildly, crashing into a nearby Oscorp facility. The impact caused a barrel of toxic fluid containing lizard DNA to rupture, sending a torrent of the radioactive substance splashing over Hairi's face.

An unspecified amount of time later, Hairi Yatim awoke to a changed world. He could no longer see with his eyes, but he soon discovered that his other senses had heightened to superhuman levels. His hearing became like a radar, allowing him to perceive even the faintest of sounds in the ever-bustling neighborhood. His sense of touch became incredibly acute, enabling him to feel the slightest vibrations in the world around him. With rigorous training and the guidance of his father's old boxing trainer, he learned to harness and utilize these newfound abilities.

Meanwhile, Hairi's redeemed father, Adeeb, decided to step back into the boxing ring, determined to provide a better life for his son and make amends for his past. Unfortunately, his decision drew the attention of nefarious forces lurking in the shadows. One ominous night, a mysterious man, enigmatic and shrouded in darkness, approached Adeeb. With a voice dripping with menace, he ordered Adeeb to throw the upcoming fight and submit to corruption.

Refusing to give in to the pressure of deceit and dishonor, Adeeb fought with all his heart in the ring, determined to win for his son's sake. However, in the cold, unforgiving underbelly of the city, Adeeb met a tragic fate. He was brutally murdered by a shadowy figure, who later revealed himself to be none other than Professor Klon, the infamous Kingpin of Kuala Lumphattan.

Heartbroken by his father's brutal and senseless death, Hairi Yatim vowed to use his newfound powers to protect the innocent and uphold justice in the city that had taken so much from him. As he donned a costume, inspired by the agile movements of the geckos that roamed the neighborhood, he became known as Cicak-Man. His mission was now crystal clear: to ensure that no one else suffered the way he did and to bring those responsible for his father's death to justice.

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