Dance Dance Infiltration

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A/N: Remember I've moved the dance to after the Breach.

Tonight is the Beacon dance, while the students were all excited one soul was dreading Tonight. He has been told by Ozpin that he has to attend and not show up in his usual outfit or mask. Six has opted to wear his Joshua Graham outfit. But right now he is supervising team RWBY.

Six: I'm gonna put super-laxatives in Ozprick's coffee. Bastard making me show my face.


Ruby gets startled by someone slamming their palms on the table she is at.

Weiss: (smiling) I need you to pick a tablecloth. (slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of white)

Ruby: (confused) Aren't they both the same?

Weiss: (sighs in frustration) I don't even know why I asked!

Weiss walks out as Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder, she puts it on the ground.

Yang: (brushing her hands as she approaches Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance?

Yang: Oh, don't worry. Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Six: Teenagers.

Yang/Weiss: Hey!

The five are interrupted by the sound of doors opening.

Neptune: Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: We were thinking about it...

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Six: Oh boy.

Sun: You ladies all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!

Six: Yeah, everyone will turn to look away from you.

Weiss: (ignoring Six addresses Sun and Neptune) What are you two wearing?

Sun: Uuhhh... this? (gestures to his current shirtless outfit)

Neptune: Ignore him for he knows not what he says.

Six: Got that right.

Sun: Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.

Six: I've actually met people wearing suits and ties in the desert, but hey what do I know?

Weiss: Quiet you.

Six: Fuck off.

Neptune: What's with him?

Yang: Vomit-boy over there has problems.

Six: We all do it's only natural for us5.

Yang: Whatever you say faker.

Six: At least I'm not a punchy happy brawler.

Weiss: Calm down, both of you.

Six: Fuck it someone else can babysit your asses.

Six gets up and leaves and heads to his room to get ready.

Timeskip to the dance

Students from the other academies are dancing, having a good time or just milling about. Winter is on duty standing next to the general as his security. Six is sitting near the punch as not many people were going near it. Scanning the room he sees team RWBY and hears a bit of their conversation.

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