Epilogue: A few years later

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Note: This chapter is a few years after the battle of Beacon, So it will be different than the other chapters.

The scene opens up to what appears to be the entrance to a property. Two large poles far enough apart to let's vehicles in-between them, and another pole linking the two with a sign with the words "Goodsprings Farm". The view then switches to the outside of a two-story ranch style house with a big red barn of to the side quite a bit. The view changes again and it is now showing a bedroom with two individuals in the bed.

It's been a few years since the Battle of Beacon, and Six and Winter can be seen sleeping together quietly. That was until the alarm clock went off.


Six slams his hand on the clock, stopping its beeping. Six gets up slowly, Winter also begins to stir.

Six: Wake up, "Snowflake".

A pillow hits him in the face.

Winter: Don't call me that.

Six: Well, good mornin' to you as well. Now come on we guests coming over today.

Winter pulls the covers over her head.

Winter: Mmmmm, five more minutes.

Six: Fine, no coffee for you then.

Winter shoots up and glares at Six.

Winter: You wouldn't dare.

Six: I wouldn't, but hey atleast you're up now. How about this, I'll go make breakfast while you wake up the kids.

Winter: Fine.

Winter gets up with groan and shuffles out the room and Six goes downstairs to the kitchen. He starts making breakfast, consisting of Bacon, eggs, toast, sausage and a jug of orange juice. A few into the cooking Winter comes down the stairs followed by their two children, Rex and ED-E. Their children are non-identical twins, one boy and one girl. Their son "Patrick" was a lot like Winter, he was often reading books, his platinum blonde hair along with a calculating look in his eyes helped further prove that point. Their daughter "Wilda" was a wild child taking after Six like with his love for guns, the way he spoke and his cunning. She had blonde hair with a single strip of white hair on the left side and light blue eyes that always darted around. over the years Six and Winter have both changed in may ways. Winter had a few small lines on her face brought on by both the passage of time and the stress of being a mother, her figure was pretty much the same but her arms had a bit more muscle from years helping on the farm. Her personality had also changed into that of a caring but stern mother. Six's changes were not many but there were changes nonetheless. His face had a few new scars from that one time he tripped and fell on a small piece of barbed wire, his facial hair was slightly stubbly, His personlity has also changed to him being a bit more relaxed and less likely to commit massacres because someone annoye him.

Six: Mornin' you little rascals.

Wilda: Mornin' pops.

Patrick: Good morning dad.

Winter goes and hugs Six from behind.

Winter: Mmmmm, breakfast smells delightful.

Six: That's good to hear. The kids give you any issues?

Winter: No, they got up quite easily.

Six: That's good and just in time cause breakfast is ready!

Six dishes everyone their food and they all sit a the dining table. The eat in silence for a few minutes until Wilda speaks with her full.

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