Family Homophobia

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Y/n Pov-

Mikey and you had spent the entire day together, soaking in each other's presence since making it official a couple of weeks ago. Mikey had taken longer than you to come to terms that she had fallen for you, since she was still attempting to figure out her sexuality.

She had experienced inner homophobia previously, making it hard for her to accept who she was. Mikey had explained to you when the two of you were best friends, that she hated how she liked women. It made her feel lost and different. Mikey had explained how she had always dreamt of having that childhood dream of a husband that comes home to her as she cooks him dinner and looks after his children.

In a way, this made you doubt your future with her, yet you continued on, showing her the love you can offer. You provided her with as much protection and support she needed.

Tonight was the night that she was going to meet your family for the first time. This was a scary concept to grasp, since your family had been unaccepting of your sexual orientation when you had first come out.

You had suggested she should not meet your parents, yet Mikey insisted that it would be okay. She proposed that she would not be offended by their words, as she had heard it all before by her own conscious inner voice.

So, in saying this, the two of you were one your way back to your house now. You were dreading this dinner because you knew how chaotic it was about to get.

"You know, there's still time. Can we turn back right now?" You offered in dead seriousness.

Mikey chuckled lightly before reassuring you. "It will be fine, You. Stop worrying."

You walked into the driveway of the house before closing the distance to the door. You were squeezing Mikey's hand nervously.

"Hey, look at me. It will be okay. I love you and You love me, that's all that matters." Mikey grabbed your cheeks and pressed a small kiss on your lips.

You pulled away from the kiss and inhaled heavily before closing your eyes and opening your front door, leading Mikey inside. You could smell pasta being made in the kitchen.

"Here we go..." You trotted over to the door to the kitchen as Mikey followed behind.

As you entered the kitchen, your mother and father were standing cooking together, as their backs were turned to you. Your brother was sitting in the family room, next to the kitchen, on his phone.
Your heart was pumping aggressively against your chest...

"Mom? Dad?" At the sound of your voice, they both turned around immediately. You had warned them prior that Mikey was going to be coming over and even though they weren't going to like it, they needed to pretend for you. "This is Mikey... my girlfriend"

You could see the small twitch in your mothers smile as Mikey came into view from behind you.

"Hi Mikey, I'm You's dad. Nice to meet you..." Your father greeted Mikey with fake happiness.

"Nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Y/l/n." Mikey said with a slight shaky voice. She was still gripping onto your hand that was hidden behind your back.

"Take a seat, dinner is actually ready." Your mother said, her tone slowly slipping from her fake attitude. 

Seeing your parents interacting with your girlfriend made you feel slightly out of place. It was odd to see them being accepting, even though you knew it was all for show.

Your parents nodded before turning back to settling the plates for the pasta. You brother made his way to his unassigned assigned chair at the table as Mikey followed you around, sitting next to you.

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