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Asuka fluttered her eyes open and saw Luka who was staring at her intensely which made Asuka jump out of her bed in a panic

"Jesus" Asuka said as she fell out of bed only for Luka to catch her from the fall "are you alright" Luka said leaning in to check if she's alright

This of course made Asuka blush she pushed his face away and jumped out of his grasp "I'm fine...why am I back in my room" Asuka said

"I brought you back after you passed out from draining your energy" Luka said Asuka was grateful of course but she didn't want to admit that

A knock sounded at her bedroom door "oh come in" Asuka said snapping out of her daze then walked in the dark god himself Ranga Nobu

A knock sounded at her bedroom door "oh come in" Asuka said snapping out of her daze then walked in the dark god himself Ranga Nobu

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"Ranga" Asuka said going over to hug him tightly as Ranga hugged her back this unfamiliar feeling seemed to well up inside Luka

The unfamiliar feeling of...jealousy "did you pass out again...I told you if you use your rage as a deterrent for your power it won't end well for you" Ranga said

"I know but still..." Asuka said Ranga flicked her forehead "you can't argue with the facts you need to learn how to control your anger" Ranga said

Willow walked in the room "hey Ranga come over here and stop flirting with my sister please that's disgusting" willow said

"Why jealous" Ranga said amused 'I'm not the one who's jealous' willow said glancing at Luka who was glaring daggers at Ranga

"Ok Ranga that's enough teasing" Naomi said walking into the room with a cup of hot cocoa in her hand "well alright then" Ranga said his fake smile disappeared

Naomi gave Asuka her cup of cocoa "give the girl some more time to rest for Pete's sake she's been passed out most of the day" Naomi said

"Mom I'm fine really" Asuka said "alright I'm going to get you some medicine we don't need you getting a fever like last time" Naomi said as she got up and left

Luka's pov

I saw Asuka bite her lip in Annoyance as she looks at me "so then why are you still here" Asuka said "I'm taking care of you" I said

She scoffed while rolling her eyes and laying back on her bed "do I displease you in some way" I said as Asuka pulls the sheets over her head

"Yeah you really displease me..." Asuka said 'is she only saying this because I keep comparing her to Azura' I thought to myself

She had her body on the side of her bed while facing away from me "if I told you I'm in love with you...would you believe me" Luka said

Asuka's pov

I sighed biting my lip in annoyance "so then why are you still here" I said an ounce of agitation in my voice as he stands there

"I'm taking care of you" Luka said as I layed down on my bed and faced away from him 'I don't want you here take a hint damn it' I thought to myself

"Do I displease you in some way" Luka said I purse my lips 'no you don't' I thought to myself as I pulled the sheets over my head

I said something completely different from my thoughts "yeah you really displease me" I said as I faced away from Luka

I felt his hot breath against my neck "if I told you I'm in love with you...would you believe me" Luka whispered in my ear

3rd person pov

Asuka's ears redden at this sudden action 'w.w.w.what the heck is he trying to do' she thought to herself Asuka covered her neck and turned to face him

"Beast" Asuka said face red with blush Luka looked at Asuka with curiosity Luka put a hand in her hair "keep your hands to yourself" Asuka said flustered

Kana walked in and saw Luka and Asuka "Asuka what on earth are you doing?" Kana said as she saw Asuka's red blushing face

"I'm not doing anything I want him out of my bedroom" Asuka said Luka leaned in closer to her face "agh get away from me you beast" Asuka said faking annoyance

"I'm sure he's not doing anything unpleasant" kana said "Your not the one being bothered by a demon" Asuka said with a blank stare

"Luka is it...could you leave me and my sister alone for a moment so we could talk in private" kana said with a smile on her face

Luka nodded and left Asuka's bedroom "seriously that's all it took for him to leave" Asuka said baffled kana looked at Asuka with a frown

"Now..." kana said sitting down on Asuka's bed "what's the problem?" Kana asked looking straight at Asuka "why should I say anything" Asuka said

"I've heard from mom how mean you've been to Luka but I know you're not that type of what's the problem" kana said

"Nothing" Asuka said kana sighed "Asuka the reason why your life is getting so much more difficult is because you're ignoring him" kana said

"I don't want a soulmate who will compare me to a dead broad like Azura makoto" Asuka said angrily kana ignored the burning glare at the door

"Asuka your getting angry for no reason at all...Azura is already long gone your just feeling insecure about yourself" kana said

"No I'm not" Asuka pouts "yes you are your worried that if Azura ever came back to life that Luka would immediately go back to her" kana said

Asuka felt an arrow go through her heart "looks like I hit the nail on that one didn't I" kana said making Asuka grimace and sigh "yeah I guess your right" Asuka said

"Well I think you should go and Apologize to Luka since you've been wrongfully ignoring him" kana said Asuka couldn't argue with kana since she was right

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