kidnapped by Luka's brother

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Asuka slept peacefully as a shadow came into her room this figure looked at her with dark intentions and reached out a hand to grab her

Asuka could sense someone though she immediately Scarlet flame "who's there" Asuka said as she looked at the unsuspecting intruder

The fire showed his face making Asuka look shocked then she narrowed her eyes "who are you" Asuka said as a dart was shot into her

This made Asuka fall unconscious Asuka's last thought was 'he's not Luka' Asuka left a sign of distress it was her Phoenix familiar

In the morning...

"Mommy...Daddy" violet said freaking out "what's wrong violet" Jiro said to his youngest daughter "Asuka's been kidnapped" violet said

"How do you know...she might have just left early" Naomi said "Asuka would never go anywhere without her Phoenix familiar" violet said as the Phoenix familiar Roshan panics

"Oh dear this does seem like a problem" willow said mockingly "this is serious willow" violet said as willow sighed and got up from the sofa

"Have you forgotten how powerful she is the fact that she left Roshan here doesn't exactly mean she's in immediate danger" willow said

"So then" a menacing voice said out of the blue "where is Asuka" Luka said as he glared darkly "when did you get here" willow said as she sweatdrops at him

"He's been here during this whole conversation" violet said Luka glared at willow making her gulp "you don't happen to know where she is do you" Luka said darkly

"Of course not why would I kidnap my own sister" willow said in an angered daze "well if you're not involved you wouldn't mind helping me to get her back" Luka said

"Fine" willow said pouting with her arm's crossed "hold it, do you have any idea how to even find her" Naomi said looking at them

This made Luka stop in his tracks then a Portal appeared with Asuka and her older sister Eden nougami "Eden! Did you save Asuka?" Naomi asked

Eden pats off the dust from her sweater "no..." Eden said and pointed at Asuka "she saved herself Angela just asked me to go pick her up" Eden said

"I'm pretty strong regardless of whether I'm kidnapped or not" asked remarks "see...I told you so" willow said with a smirk on her face

Luka walked over to Asuka "holy...oh um hey Luka...what are you doing here" Asuka said looking at Luka while feeling flustered

"I just learned that you had been kidnapped where have you been...and how did you escape" Luka said Asuka rubbed the back of her neck "that's a long story" Asuka said

4 hour's earlier...

Asuka's pov

I had been blindfolded by my captors "is our little captive awake now" a demonic voice said "You may think I'm a captive now but wait until I get out of these chains you'll regret kidnapping me" I said

"Doubtful" another voice said as my blindfold was removed I see one of my captors had the same face as Luka......... what the absolute hell

"Who are you and why did you bring me here" I said glaring at him "me...I'm Luze Crosszeria I'm Luka's twin brother" Luze said

"How do you know...that I know Luka" I said with a dark look in my eyes "Why wouldn't I...your my brother's precious person and I can't think of a better way to try and persuade him to move to the duras than kidnapping his beloved" Luze said

I snorted then started to laugh "you mean to tell kidnapped me as an excuse to see your brother are you a brocon or something" I said mockingly

"Shut your mouth wench...if not for your usefulness I would have already killed are merely a bargaining chip to get my brother here so I can kill him" Luze said

I gritted my teeth and my body shakes in anger "oh...have you now realized your situation and are now trembling in fear" Luze said

"Quite the opposite..." I said as my crimson flames burned through the chains as I broke them off my wrists this surprised Luze

I had a darkened face "I'm so very pissed I'll burn this whole place down if I have to" I said as my whole body was engulfed by crimson flames

"What are you!" Luze said sounding baffled "what you didn't think I was just a normal human did how should I punish you" I said cracking my knuckles

"You'll regret making a hybrid goddess vampire angry" I said as I smiled darkly and started burning everything down

3 hour's later...

3rd person pov

Eden appeared with a Portal and saw the burnt down building and saw Asuka sitting on top of the rubble "what on earth happened here" Eden said

'Although I can probably take a guess at what happened' Eden thought to herself  "this whelp kidnapped me to get to Luka don't you find that annoying" Asuka said darkly as Eden sweatdropped

"Let's go Angela told me about her vision so I'll bring you home through a Portal" Eden said "thanks sis" Asuka said as they walked through the Portal

End of Flashback...

"That's basically what happened" Asuka said as Eden ruffled her hair "well I'll be off now" Eden said "hey big sis thanks for picking me up" Asuka said

Eden smiled softly and left through a portal "besides all that are you alright" jiro said "I'm fine dad don't worry" Asuka said only for Luka to hug her from behind Asuka froze and blushed

"To think Luze would do all that just to make me join Terrible" Luka said and buried his face in Asuka's soft and slender neck making Asuka frown

"Hey now I'm ok Luka there's no harm Done" Asuka said only for Luka to see the marks caused by the metal chains that were on her wrists his face darkened

To be continued...

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