lovingly kissing her injuries

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Asuka could see the deadly smile on Luka's face seeing the darkened look behind it this made her feel a chill go up her spine

"Hey now don't do anything you might regret" Asuka said as Luka takes her hand and lightly pulls Asuka into her bedroom


"What just happened" jiro said baffled at the situation "I think our daughter was just swept away by her soulmate...now that I think about it you did the same to me" Naomi said making jiro blush

Back with Luka and Asuka...

Luka had grabbed a first aid kit and wrapped some bandages around Asuka's reddened wrists "Luka I'm fine really don't worry about me...it will heal" Asuka said somewhat nervous

"..." Luka didn't answer as he tied the bandages on her wrists "hey now I said I'm..." Asuka was cut off as Luka kissed her aching bandaged wrists

This left Asuka blushing immensely "woah um...what are you doing" Asuka said her face flushed red in blush as Luka kissed her other wrist

Luka looked at Asuka "I'm kissing the pain away" Luka said "what pain really I'm fine Luka you don't need to concern yourself about..." Luka gave her a serious gaze

"Me" Asuka finished and gulped as his gaze made her submit and gave up easily as Luka continued to caress and kiss her wrists

"You know just kissing my wrists won't make the pain go away" Asuka said Luka kissed her wrists seductively making her shiver

"Woah...what are you doing" Asuka said flustered "I regret not being able to properly take care and rescue you it should have been me" Luka said sounding disheartened

Asuka's pov

'Is Luka feeling bad about me getting kidnapped by his brother' I thought to myself "Hey now I'm here and I'm ok now don't worry" I said with concern

Luka kissed my right palm making me blush immensely "w.w.w.what are you doing" I said feeling flustered Luka closed his eyes still kissing my palm

"Hey...that's" I blush as I squeeze my eyes shut as he keeps kissing my palm "I love your reactions my love...their so pure and genuine" Luka said opening his eyes to gaze at me

"Y.y.you...just what on earth are you thinking" I said flustered this seemed to make Luka smile softly and cupped my cheek

"I do regret that you got kidnapped because of me" Luka said this made me lightly flick his forehead "idiot why would I blame you for that it isn't your fault that I'm careless" I said

"Your too sweet my love" Luka said kissing my palm once more before laying me down on the bed making me blush immensely

Luka's pov

"I'm worried about you...it seems whenever I turn my back you always seem to get yourself into trouble" I said leaning my forehead against her's

"Well you really didn't have to wrap my wrists in bandages I could heal really quickly" Asuka said as I leaned in closer "is that true" I said

I had my nose touching her's as Asuka's face turned red with blush "your doing this on purpose just to make me blush" Asuka said

"You've been blushing a lot" I said with a soft chuckle "must you tease me after I just escaped from a kidnapping" Asuka said with a pout on her face

I narrowed my eyes making Asuka flinch "w.w.w.what" Asuka stuttered I pulled her head back and sucked on her neck "H.hey l.l.luka" Asuka stuttered as I made a mark on her neck

3rd person pov

Asuka quickly shoved Luka off of her and saw the hickey in the mirror "what the heck...Luka why did you give me a hickey" Asuka said annoyed

"This is only to remind others that you are mine and no one else is allowed to have you" Luka said with a stoic look on his face

"That doesn't give you the right to mark me whenever you feel like it" Asuka said flustered Luka chuckled at her pure and genuine reaction

"Your adorable" Luka said "shut up" Asuka said as she lays on her bed covering herself in her bed sheets Luka layed next to her

"Woah hey what are you doing" Asuka said "what am I not allowed to lay with my lovely soulmate" Luka said making Asuka pout

"Don't do anything stupid or I'll kick you out" Asuka said flustered Luka chuckled "very well" Luka said laying on the bed while pulling her into his chest

This made Asuka think about her concert that she was going to perform and then had the thoughts of inviting Luka himself

"H.hey" Asuka stuttered "yes my love" Luka whispered gently into her ear making her shiver slightly this reaction made Luka smile

"I'm going to do a concert in a week from now...would you...come and cheer me on" Asuka said Luka smiled softly and lightly caressed her face

"I would not miss it for the world" Luka said and lightly kissed her forehead this made Asuka smile giddily to herself and Luka chuckled

"I love you Asuka" Luka said leaning his forehead against her's this made Asuka blush "stop making me blush so much" Asuka said

Luka chuckled lightly and kissed her lips out of nowhere Asuka blushed immensely but didn't reject the lips on her's and kissed him back

Luka pulled away to gaze at her adorable face "You look so cute when you blush I can't help but want to tease you it's adorable" Luka said

"Stop it" Asuka said throwing a pillow at his face and turning her body the other way Luka couldn't help but smirk at her cute reaction

"Then what do you suppose I do...I can't possibly keep my hands off you...your my soulmate my love" Luka whispered in her ear

"Just Stop and go to sleep why don't ya" Asuka said blushing immensely as Luka chuckled a bit but he obeyed and fell asleep next to Asuka

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