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Chapter 2: Daring Moves

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"Human Rights Advocate Joins Grimm Games." The headline repeated in my mind as Jade stood in the doorway. The shock visible in her slacked jaw.

She scanned the room, trying to determine how to proceed. "You're joining the Games? What does that even mean?"

"That means they just announced the contestants, and my name is on the list." My heartbeat rattled my ribcage. Before I could let the shock settle, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Millie."

"Your sister?" Jade brought her hand to her mouth to cover it as if what spilled out was a bad word. "Did she sign you up? That's illegal. They can't get away with that!"

I knew Jade was puzzled about how my name ended up on the contestants list and its connection to Millie. But she didn't know our full history. She wasn't aware of the times Millie used my name and information without my knowledge, like opening credit lines and not paying the bills. She also didn't know about Millie giving authorities my name when she got arrested for shoplifting and similar incidents.

I snatched the phone from the table and immediately dialed Millie's number, ignoring the kinky strands of dark brown hair that sprang from my loose ponytail and tickled my temple.

Millie hadn't answered my calls in the last two weeks, and the chances were slim she'd respond now, but I couldn't help but try. When the call went straight to voicemail, I wasted no time, blurting out, "Millie, what the fuck? Call me back. Now!"

"She's not gonna call you back." Jade's worried eyes met mine. "Not after this."

I huffed trying to control my frustration and fear. "I know. That's how I realize she's done something I wouldn't like. She avoids me."

Why would Millie do this? What was her motive?

In my mind, I replayed the special graphics that appeared onscreen for each player at the start of a Grimm Game competition. The stats displayed the player's performance in areas like stamina, strength, and mental ability, which viewers used to place their bets.

Did she think using my identity and stats could win her the jackpot? Did she believe being identical twins meant she could impersonate me successfully?

"What are you gonna do?" Jade went on. "What does this mean?"

I paced the length of my desk. "I'm gonna have to talk to someone at HQ. I think Millie signed herself up under my name."

Jade's eyes grew even bigger. "Why would she do that?"

"Because she's not the sharpest tool in the shed," I huffed, smoothing the baby hairs at the sides of my head before tightening my ponytail, which only added to my frustration.

"The promise of twenty million dollars will do that."

I pocketed my phone, picked up my laptop from the floor, and quickly examined the minimal damage. "I'm going to Arcanum headquarters now. Keep your phone on you, yes?"

"No." Jade lifted a finger. "I'm going with. We're supposed to be down there to help organize the protest soon anyway." When I opened my mouth to object, she pointed the same finger in my direction. "I don't care what you have to say, Kam. I'm not letting you confront those spineless schemers by yourself."

I didn't argue. In fact, I admired her drive. It was the first trait I fell in love with after laying eyes on her a year ago. I simply grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it twice before we left the room.

The trek only took twenty minutes. I credited my adrenaline and anger for my hasty strides. Approaching the large multistory building felt like an easy feat when the large "A" in the name landmarked the destination for miles.

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