☆ 6.

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 (M/N)'s jaw went slack with disbelief, replaying Cloud Retainer's words in his mind over and over again. This didn't make any sense at all. Zhongli is Morax? The Morax? The god that he'd loved and fought alongside was, in truth, the same exact man that'd informed him of the Geo Archon's death.

Quickly, he turned the cogs in his head, attempting to find a plausible workaround to this staggering piece of information. His mind went from disinformation to a name-mixup as he searched for an answer, but deep down, this revelation just felt... right.

(M/N) recalled the strange feelings of calmness and the image of Morax that his mind automatically associated with Zhongli when they 'first' met. Throughout all the time they'd been together, the general had always felt a strong sense of power from the historian, but had thought nothing of it, summing it up to his nerves.

The logical and lucid conclusion that Zhongli was in fact Morax sunk itself into (M/N)'s mind slowly as Cloud Retainer continued to rant about the god. He was only barely paying attention as he glanced towards Liyue Harbour and the setting sun.

Wait... setting sun? (M/N) gasped and stood up quickly, realizing he'd completely lost track of time, startling his adeptus companion. He was in a daze as he groaned, apologizing to Cloud Retainer as he needed to leave at that moment.

"Tonight's the Lantern Rite," (M/N) explained, "I'd promised to meet... a friend... in Liyue Harbour, but completely forgot about it, I hope you'll excuse me for leaving suddenly." He gave a curt bow to which Cloud Retainer only sighed.

"Very well, then," the adeptus replied, getting to her feet, "enjoy yourself, general (M/N). Out of all us old faces from the Archon War, you certainly deserve it most." The two bid goodbye and parted ways.

Once out of sight, (M/N) broke into a full sprint towards the city, cursing himself for being late as even more thoughts of Morax and Zhongli bled into his mind. He blushed despite himself, internally smacking himself for being so stupid as not to realize all the similarities.

In about ten minutes, (M/N) stopped at the edge of the city, panting hard. Sure, his adeptus blood helped him with speed and stamina, but that didn't stop him from being exhausted, seeing as he's been doing a full sprint from Cloud Retainer's abode.

"Shit..." he muttered as he caught sight of the sky, now almost devoid of the sunset's colours. He ran a hand through his hair as he caught his breath, trying to look at least somewhat composed.

With a semi-trepid breath, (M/N) entered the city that was Liyue Harbour, his heart beating out of his chest. He didn't even know what made him do it. His mind was screaming at him to stop, to rethink this before diving in blind, but his heart was leading him on towards Yujing Terrace, their meeting spot.

With the streets being almost deserted as everyone was near the docks, (M/N) broke into a run with only one thought in mind: Morax. What would he say to his god? Apologize? Confess? So much had changed since the days of the war, he was unsure if he could even face the Archon.

(M/N) turned the corner quickly, his breath heavy as he caught sight of the black hair and amber eyes. Zhongli stood in the middle of the terrace, all alone as he looked up at the sky. It was obvious that the god had been waiting for him which made him slightly guilty, but there were more pressing matters.

"Ah, (M/N), you're late-" Zhongli trailed off abruptly as (M/N) drew close and knelt with his head bowed as a sign of respect for the god, exactly as he had during the Archon War. Perhaps it was just reflex, but the general had no idea what had made him react in this way.

"My lord," (M/N) whispered, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground as he felt tears form in his eyes. He kept his head down as emotions threatened to drown him at that very moment.

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