We Got Bad Blood.....

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Siena P.O.V

Walking away from my past felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders like the burned that had been holding me down for three years I was finally free of. The further I walked away the better I felt and it was time for me to finally embrace this life I had fallen into. The one of the undead and being something truly powerful that many fear. The one thing is I notice I hadn't made many shake in fear nor had I lived up to my reputation of being the most feared supernatural being. Well that was going to change because I'm not longer that weaker version of myself. I was stronger than ever with nothing stopping me from being the person who I want to be. When I looked back on the pathetic life I had lived it anger me for many reason. The way I allowed people to walk all over me, how I allowed others to cloud my judgement. When I talk about people I mean of one person, the person who seemed to have this huge hold over me that was Damon Salvatore. How I hated that he had that much control over me that like a puppy I would hang to his every word. Obey him when he would ask me not to harm those who are close... All of this was down to some stupid prophecy that linked me to blue eyes.

What annoyed me more than anything is I had no say in where my life went or whom I wanted to be with, everything that had happened to me was all down to something higher having control of my life. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. No not for dimidium sanguine I didn't get a say in nothing because of this fate and destiny crap. Like did I want to be a vampire? No I didn't. It was something force upon me like the fact that blue eyes was shoved in my face and I stupidly went weak at the knees for him. Yeah so called fate had him there at the right time for me to fall stupidly in love with him. This guy turned the woman who gave birth to me into a vampire, then he was in love with my sister who was the doppelganger to Katherine. Oh yeah who he was so madly and deeply in love with for 145 years and I come along and change all that.... pfttt stupid fate. Like when you look at all that, you kind of think what the hell was fate thinking? Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. I wonder how many people don't get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to be with. You know what the sad thing is once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. You have no say in the matter even if at times you question why you love this person. It's no use crying over spilt milk, because all of the forces of the universe were bent on spilling it.

But one thing I realize is that I have the control. That I chose what path I will go down but there is one thing that will always stop me from being what I want to be. That it is blue eyes and I need to sever that tie between us once and for all. Elena will only distract him for so long before be come back like a blood hound wanting to fix me. Which is so not happen. So where do I even start? I can't go back a thousand years where my stupid grandmother casted this spell on the sperm donor aka Julian Garcia. My so called father who hasn't paid any interest in my life unless it was endanger, even then he was quick to disappear. So it looks like I have to do a little digging of my family tree from the Garcia side of the family, as I know I came from a descended of one of the most powerful bloodline. I did do my homework and went as back as I could and I discovered that some of my witchy descendant were in fact Salem witches. So it looked like a trip was in order for me to gather what information these witches had on me. So I left unconscious Caroline back at Whitmore bar while I went to find out how I could break this stupid curse that been laid upon me.

Well to say I got information would be understatement I found plenty on the fate of dimidium sanguine these witches did some sick and twisted stunts to assure that it all went to plan. I found the grimoire of Valerie Garcia which she had written in a great detail of the sacrifices were endured to assure it all went to plan. You see Valerie wasn't your average witch she was a siphoner witch just like that dick Kai. It turns out she wasn't the only one there were a few Garcia witches who were like that and they were total out cast. So I took what was rightfully mine and made my way back to Whitmore where sleeping beauty was going to be become handy with my quest for total freedom. When I arrived Caroline was still passed out on the couch which was kind of perfect as I needed the peace and quiet to read through these grimoire or books of shadows as they called them back in 1800. So I sat down and opened the first page of Valerie book of dirty secrets. 'Valerie Garcia,This is my book of shadows.Three innocent people are dead because of me, including my own mother and father, so this is my promise to you, book, and to myself I will master this power inside me, but I will use it for the common good. I will do no harm'. Something tells me that's not the way it all went down.

'Inflamed Passion' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'.Where stories live. Discover now