Twists and Turns

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"Aaron!" A distant voice yelled, ripping Aaron out of the trance he was in. Vixen stood in front of him, looking like he was about to knock him the fuck out.

"Are you good?!" Vixen screamed in Aarons face as he pushed Aaron back into the wall behind him. Sam still holding the gun in his trembling hands as he looked over the aim at Aaron who was still half-heartedly out of it.

"You died. You fucking died?" Aaron said, the last part sounding more like a question he was asking himself. Sam and Vixen exchanged looks, their ruse finally reaching part 2 of its immaculately planned phases.

Colby was standing off to the side looking through the radio, checking for the most used radio frequencies so that he could use them to configure a pattern of locations within the building they should stay away from.

"For Fucks sake." Vixen said as he kicked Aaron in the stomach the same way Aaron had done to Vixen in his dream like state. Aaron ricocheted off the wall hitting with such sheer force that it indented the wall. His, almost, lifeless body falling to the floor, although he was still wide awake.

Groaning Aaron cursed and grabbed onto Vixens feet attempting to put him off balance and make him fall down but in that moment he had no power in him what so ever, so he was easily overpowered by Vixen who yanked away from Aaron's hold.

Sam sighed, a sting of guilt filling him as his mind wandered over to yesterday evening events.


"So you're saying that YOU can make someone think what you want them to think with some sort of alternating frequency?" Nate said amused and alarmed at equal rates as he looked at Y/N, who stood there nodding to his alarmed statement, slightly giggling as she looked at his scrunched up thinking face

Y/N knew exactly how to do that, considering that was her first job in the Agency as one of the best tech crew members of all times. The other looks at her in awe, especially Vixen, who was thinking of the many ways he could do something bad with it.

"We're not giving Vixen any handle on that." Josh said as he looked at the menacing expression on Vixens face which retorted into a malice filled frown as he looked over at Josh who was smiling like an idiot, it was as if there relationship was back to how it used to be, before Josh's assassin training started.

Everyone laughed, seeing Vixens' expression. He too joined in a few moments later.

"On that note, we were informed from the inside agent that Ace's crew have located this base and are on their way as of right now." Everyone looked at Y/N, their gazes now filled with pure anger and fear. "Were outnumbering them both in brawn and brains, don't worry, nothing will happen to you. We already have phase one of the plan completed, by yours truly." Y/N said as she handed off the reigns of heading the conversation at hand to Colby, who walked over to the middle, smiling awkwardly.

His gaze ever so clearly fixated on Sam, who was looking at him with an unnoticeably betrayed look as he tried to reason out why Colby would never tell him of such an important part of his life.

"Well. Uh. Out of high school and into our youtube channel, I immediately fell into a state of absolute bliss and excitement, knowing that I was so well known and liked that I forgot how to be a decent human being. I treated a lot of my friends, including Nate, like shit. Boasting all the time. which it did hurt a lot of my friends, people whom I considered and still do as family. I lost my people, my family because of that horrible attitude and fell into this un-ending loop of being belittled and berated by famous people who I thought were better friends than the ones I had lost because of that cavalier attitude. Then, one day, I made the horrible decision of doing a kidnapping prank on my best friend. Which nearly ended our friendship and got me yelled at by my parents and Sam's parents, which was not a good outlook on our friendship. We stopped talking for 3 weeks. Sam had to get therapy because of that, and when I tell you I hated myself during those 3 weeks and till this day with all of my heart knowing that I just may have signed off my best friend to depression. I'm telling the truth. During the weekend of the 3rd week, I went out to the main road by my house to get to the bridge going over the river where me, Nate, and Sam used to hang out. And before you get scared it wasn't because I was going to off myself it was because I just needed to be alone with my thoughts, even though I was very much grounded and should've been in my room. I got to the bridge and I saw someone fighting eith a group of armed guys off to the farther side of the bridge, where I was out if sight but close enough to see that it was a girl, woman, sorry, fighting those men. She easily destoryed all of them and started to run in my direction when suddenly the bridges wooden layers caved in making the pathway to dangerous to run through leaving the woman no choice but to jump over the large area, she missed by about a few inches and was dangling from one of the uncut wood boards when one of the men got out s gun and aimed it directly at her, without her noticing. I have no idea why, but for some reason, at that moment, I decided to become a hero. It's probably the worst idea of my life. I grabbed a bunch of huge rocks and started throwing them at the men, one of them actually hit the man with the gun and gave her enough time to get up and run off into the woods beside me, she looked over her shoukders and made eye contact with me and smiled, or at least I think she smiled. But anyways the men by that time had already figured out where the rocks were coming from and legit pointed directly at me before hurridly getting into the van they drove onto to  the dirt pathway that led to the entrance where I had come from. Leaving me no choice but to go in the womans direction. Adrenaline rushed through me as I ran like a psychotic maniac through the woodland, trying to think of all the possible choices of dying the men had in store for me. Drowning? Hanging? Shooting? But as soon as I got just somewhat into the thicker parts of the woods, I threw up and fell to the floor. I'm getting dizzy as well. All I could hear was the ringing in my ears and a small faint voice whispering, "Nice aim, kid." Before I decided it was nap time and I passed out." Colby finished his sentence with an audible fasp as he reached out for Amandas glass of water, which he chugged down in seconds.

"After barely 10 minutes, he woke up and started looking around for something, I just hushed him and told him if he made a sound, I would be the last thing he sees before he meets God." Y/N continued on for Colby as she looked at him gleaming with pride and joy.

Colby stuck his tougue out at her in response before continuing. "And as soon as she said that the area was filled with the sound of scraping tires and a roaring engine, as a huge vehicle trampled over the large number of logs and what not on the ground. I started to shake like a leaf as I looked towards the lit up area where the huge van or whatever was stopped. Y/N looked at me and I kid you the fuck not she literally started to make random ass noises that sounded as though they were coming from everywhere except from our directions. I realised moments after that she was wearing a microphone and there were speakers planted everywhere in that area. The driver and his crew started cursing and screaming about how they were going to find both of us and have fun torturing us to our death, saying how nobody would find us or mourn our loss. And I guess that stupid prank taught me that at least one of those things wasn't true. Anyways just as the guys started walking around the area to look for us, Y/N takes out a gun and hands it to me saying:" Colby says handing her line off to Y/N.

"You know how to shoot, right?"-Y/N

"To which I respond. "Its like a camera, you just point and shoot, right?" - Colby said adding fake quotation marks into the air for more emphasis.

"To which Y/N responded: "Good boy." Before she made her way to the other side of the tree we were hiding behind being careful as to not attract any unwanted attention. Which we got because I may have lost my footing trying to replicate her exact steps, still half awake from the nauseating feeling and adrenaline rush. The men started shooting in our direction and only missed me because she had pushed me behind the tree. She said something to herself, I'm assuming she was talking on the intercom, and said something along the lines of: "need back at Finnwood Forest. I have a civillian in danger." I didn't catch the rest of it cause I passed out again. Only this time I woke up in my room on my bed. With a note in my hand. Which read: "Call me if you want to get your mind off things. Winky face."

Colby ended trying to see Nates reaction which was exactly what he ahd hoped for: an annoyed forced smile. "I didnt leave you a note. I left you a message on your phone which read: Call me if something happens, or if you want to pur your aim to the test but this time with a gun." Y/N said almost as ammoyed as Nate as she slapped Colby's arm to get him to shut up.

Colby laughed his usual amused laugh before he settled down to see everyones reactions. Everyone was silent before Sam broke it by saying:
"But how does this match in with how you know about Ace and this guy." Sam said, ending his sentence by pointing towards Vixen who looked back at him with the "I have a name you know" expression, before he rolled his eyes.

"Thats where the Queen Mary comes in. That first time in B340, I received a call contact that had no name but was an inlisted contact so I knew the person. So when I went to pick it up, Y/N came through telling me how she wanted me to get you, Jake, Corey and Aaron out of the Queen Mary saying how the guys from that night had found me and were coming after me cause I foiled their plans. I did exactly that by taking all of us around to the farthest eating place I could, but my efforts were in vain because they found us. That random woman that we met that night that kept looking at us as if she knew us, was Ace. SHE was the mission lead and SHE was the drivers right hand. She found her chew toy and was planning on killing all 4 of us until I made the unruly decision of walking right up to her and asking for her phone number. Which clearly caught that psychopath off guard and made her leave in shock. I have no idea what came over me, but I did, it was as if someone had told me to do that and so I did. And then our night continued on as normal Y/N even called me a genius for thinking so quickly on my feet, because after that she kept bombarding me with texts about how I should join the agency, and it got so annoying that I actually did, just to shut her up."


Seth screamed fed up with Colby's suspended form of taking about the main topic of their converaation: How he knew of Ace and Y/N prior to Amanda introducing her to the group during the Myrtles Plantation video time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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