Fame and Fortune (Part 1)

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"I can finally come clean from these darkened lurking lies, I built my relationships of friendhip and family on..." I thought as I smiled sadly, not knowing full well how they'd all react.

"I need everyone in the room before I actually tell you, cause I'm too lazy to go around explaining why I am who I am..." Y/N said soon registering what she said: "did that make sense?" She finished as she scratched her head, lost in thought.

Amanda shook her head at her older sister as she laid back onto the uncomfortable, yet cozy gurney. Her mind also wandering through all the possible reasons as to why Y/N is who she is.

[•3 Days Later•]

"So you're telling me that you- My sister- are working for a secret agency that takes down the Mafia whilst also acting as one?" Amanda said as she held onto her head, the others in the same predicament as she. Seth opened his mouth to say something only to close it as nothing but an "uh" came out.

Clearly seeing that no one was going to be able to approach the situation Colby stepped in to help Y/N out.

"Its not that confusing guys." Colby said as he pushed himself off of his seat walking over to Y/N who was just as confused as the others as to what nonsense Colby was saying. "Your saying that as you already knew what was going on." Sam said, sarcastically as he looked over at his best friend, who's eyes were wide like saucers, his skin growing paler and paler, the more Sam concentrated.

"Oh My God! You know whats going on! YOU KNOW WHY ACE IS AFTER YOU!? IS THAT WHY YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A GUN!?" Sam screeched as everything odd piece of the puzzle unlocked their fit pieces in order to complete the entire picture out about everything.

Everyone in the room fell silent momentarily, before a huge slap echoed through the room, leaving everyone shook to their cores. "You asshole. You prick. You LIAR!" Sam screamed the last part of the sentence, his voice breaking as he finished half of the sentence only to completely whisper shout the last words as he bolted away from the group, and the room, scuttering into the hall before reaching a small vacant room where he managed to shut the door and be alone.

He cried for an hour, as every memory of him and Colby ran through his mind like a broken record as he fell deeper into the paincked state he was in.


"Damn...." Vixen murmered as everyone, who could, ran out in search for Sam while Colby stood in his position, his hand still on his left cheek, which was red from the slap.

"Vixen find him, HURRY!" A familiar voice screamed in Vixen's head as he held on to his forehead, tightly, squeezing his eyes shut to focus on the voices words. "Damn it Sam!" He thought before he ran out of the room and into the hallway, he looked to the right and left of the hallway as he contemplated where to go.

Looking to his left once more, he saw those piercing blue eyes looking at him pointing to the hall way on his left side. He ran towards Sahara who faded into a dim white light as she pushed through the quite hallway, stopping at one of the supply room doors, which Vixen ran to as soon as he saw her come to a stop.

He stopped in front of the door, huffing as he tried to catch his breath. He pushed it open, realizing that the door doesn'thave a lock system installed. He walked in silently as he didn't want to get beaten up by Sam, who was throwing things around, clearly in a fit of rage.

"Hey there..." Vixen said quickly ducking as Sam threw one of the microscope towards him with his entire bit of strength. Vixen hit the ground just in time for the microscope to hit the wall behind him, shattering on the wall on impact before the pieces fell onto the floor. He sighed, a mix of relief and shock audible

"Nice form." Vixen said trying to cut through the tension as he got up from the ground, brushing himself off as to not look completely dumb and scared in front of Sam who was groaning angrily, pacing around the small area where he stood.

Vixen scratched his head as he looked for something to say, something that wouldn't tick Sam off into a full fledged bomb of infuriation.

"Don't. Just Don't. I have nothing to talk to you about. I have nothing to talk to Cole about. I want out of here as soon as possible so I can delete ny name off of that fucking channel of his, that he so clearly is the leader of. Considering how much fame he has and how much more loved he is by OUR FANS!" Sam screamed the last part.

The entire building shook, as the lights in thw room flickered. Sam looked up at Vixen who was looking back at Sam with the same shock and worry.

A siren stared blaring seconds later. "CODE I. I REPEAT CODE I. THE BUILDING HAS BEEN INFILTRATED, ALL AGENTS TO ACTIVE DUTY, ALL AGENTS TO ACTIVE DUTY!" Sam looked over at Vixen once more as the vocie came over the speakers. Vixen whispered to himself: "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" As he looked around for soemthing to use as a weapon. He knew they were screwed if he didn't find something soon.

Sam was defenceless as it is so he was a huge liability in a fight, a liability Vicen couldn't afford to lose. He still had a mission to complete. Get Colby to Ace, "knock the group down from within" just like his mother said, just like Ace said. Vixen looked over at Sam who was looking around for a weapon for Vixen. Vixen closed his eyes, as he prepared himself for what he was about to do.

Doing a full 360° turn Vixen reached out his hand and hit Sam in his neck, knocking Sam out cold. Sams limp body fell backwards slowly, right into Vixens arms, as he sighed. "Sorry Sam. But I need to get through to her through him, so I can end this dance once and for all."

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