★ Wrong number ★

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It was a typical Saturday night, I was home alone reading a book all cuddled up on my sofa.For me it was the way i liked it, no need for worrying about my job or anything just sitting in silence getting lost in the world of the book i'm reading until...

*phone rings*

'ugh' I sighd as I was finally getting to a good part in my book.I gently placed down my book with my book mark in between to make sure i didn't loose where i was.As I got closer to the phone I wondered who on earth would be calling at this time at night, when they could be out at a party or hanging out with mates. Rather than trying to reach someone who hadn't had any free time since she was born.

'Hello there love where are you the party is just getting started!' Said the very obviously drunk man on the other end.

'I think you've got the wrong number sir, but i hope you find whoever your trying to party with'
I laughed back at him.

'WAIT, how would you like to party with me eyy?Im real famous and got famous mates too.' He said in a whispery voice.

'Ooo i'm sure your real famous what's your name mystery man.. Let me guess umm. Tom holland?' I said playing along with his drunk fantasies.

'Close... Ave you ever heard the name Ben Hardy?'
He said with a serious tone.

'Duh, who hasn't! But there is no way that your him he wouldn't still be calling some wrong number and trying to get some stranger into his party with his "Real famous mates"!'
I said in a mockingly tone not believing that on the other end of the phone is THE Ben Hardy calling ME at 10 o'clock on a Saturday.

'If your that much in disbelief  then how about you come and really see the real deal. We're on *********************, see you there!'
He said before cutting himself off, hanging up.

'Guess i'll HAVE to go then' I said to myself in annoyance as i walked to my bedroom to try find a suitable dress to go meet 'The REAL Ben Hardy' .

While looking through my wardrobe i found the red dress i'd bought incase of a special occasion wich obviously is to go to a party with a random drunk lad.I put it on and looked in the mirror, and hell I look hot.

I rushed down stairs to put on cute black heels as i waited for the taxi i called to pick me up and take me there. One VERY long taxi ride and I was there, I thanked the driver as I got out and looked at the state of the house. Let me tell you... IT WAS MAGNIFICENT!

Then that's when I realised, that man might have ACTUALLY been THE Ben Hardy this whole time and I was just on the other end making a fool of myself.

But it was too late to turn back now, so I cautiously approached the house as if it were to attack me. I quickly rang the door bell while staring at my feet nervously.. until.

'Looks like you've finally made it wrong number! That reminds me I never got to ask for your name?'

I stood there looking like i'd seen a ghost just staring in disbelief at who i'd been making fun of the whole night.

'Oh it's Rory!' I said as I put my hand out expecting a hand to shake back, but in return he grabbed my chin and lifted my head up.

'No need to introduce yourself, why don't you pop in and and have a few drinks?' He slurred out, almost making me forget he's deathly drunk.

I felt my face flushing up,as i stared into his eyes it felt like looking into heaven in those dreamy emerald eyes.As I nodded and he pulled me by my arm inside, closing the door behind me as I took a look at the state of the party.

Let me tell you... There were over 20-30 of famous faces I could recognise, it felt like i had just walked backstage into the oscars it felt so surreal!

'Don't be shy let's go to the kitchen, that's where the real party's at!' Ben said as he guided me into the kitchen where there were three lads around the same age as Ben and I.

'Who have you dragged along this time Ben?'
The one with extremely short hair that looks like he might have cut off some sort of perm or something.

'Let me guess you want a shot of vodka?'
The alarmingly tall one said, his face looks really familiar to some sort of rock star but i cant quite pin point who.

'How did you know?' I said in shock in response since i've never met any of these men in my life.

'Blondes think a-like, it's a fact!'
Said the other one that now i think about it i might know from some sort of film or tv show, I thought as me and ben looked at each-other.

'Actually I didn't plan on staying for that long cause i kinda have somewhere i need to be tomorrow...'
All of the drunk men stared at me as if i'd killed someone.

'Come on darling surely you can stay for a little bit not even for a few shots i mean you did take a taxi here?' Ben said as i breathed in to answer getting a whiff of pure alcohol in his breath.

But that charming smile was the main thing from keeping me from leaving, the way he made me feel like i was the hottest chick there.So I stayed, the whole night and even end up getting black out drunk knowing that i was definitely going to have to ring up my mum explaining how a much of celebs got me so drunk that i'm too hungover to see her.

The last thing i remember doing before blacking out is Ben asking for my number and me giving it to him, then i blacked out.

The next morning

I woke up the the sound of my phone ringing as i struggled to get up and reach it from my nightstand and recognised the number but not a clue who it was until i picked it up...

'Hey Wrong number, same time next week?'

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