Mysterious Guests

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Angry Munchi Pov

I was chasing after an red human scientists and grabbed him"Wait I'm not an human!" It shouted waving it's hands as I dropped him to the ground"Prove it!" I growled as he gotten up and looks at me"If we was human would we have normal skin?" It asked making me stop and eye him

before stepping back"Fine your right" I said as it reach for an hand shake"After We attacked you and your friends?" I asked it confused before the Red rainbow dude replied to me"I don't hold grude but you all are just trying to protect your home and I'm Red" Red said to me making me stare shocked.

I then shoke Red's hand as I showed him around as I heard another event making me stop.

Ruby Pov

My event known as 'Bloody Ruby' has just started"Wanna play wanna play wanna play?" I giggled running out the Secert room within one of the mall shop and into the mall as I ran through the mall shop until I spotted an human girl who quickly turned after hearing my paw/feet sounds coming towards her.

I pounced onto the human girl"Die human!" I Screeched in her face"I am not an human!" I threw the human to an wall as she glared at me and turns into an humanoid demon? I shook my head as she tackled me to the ground.

We began to fight each other blood everywhere around us as I bite into the demon girl's right shoulder making her screech in pain as she kicks me off her.

"Amanda!?" I heard as we both turned to see an Sheep, ink dude an smaller ink person and an redish person  with just an mouth and ribs.

"Great more intruders" I mumbled not knowing the demon girl heard me looked back at me as I stared at her not knowing the ink person walking behind me as I tackled the demon girl"You intruders can't just stay away from our home can you!" I shouted and before I could attack I was picked up.

I Screeched trying to claw at him as he just pets me.

Seek Pov

I held the human wolf hybrid kid as I began to pet her making the Wolf kid stop and nuzzle into me"Calm down we aren't here to take your family home" I said to the Wolf kid in my arms as Screech hugs the wolf kid as Wooly calmed Amanda down.

"I'm Seek what's yours Child?" I asked the child in my arms"Ruby" she answered before yawning and falling asleep on my arms.

I turned to see black person just with eyes"Can I have my daughter?" He spoke which I nodded and gave his daughter back.

"Now let's get to know each other" I heard him said"Agree" I said as we followed him into an secret room within the mall and gotten to know each other by asking each other questions, games and seeing how we kill humans which was my favorite activity along with the others.

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