Chapter 1: Discovery

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"Lokes, you can teleport to me now. I'm in." Tony Stark grins as he lands just inside the sheild.

"Anthony, how did you get past the sheild?" Loki, God of Mischief, lies, and chaos, inquires after materializing next to Stark.

What do you mean? When I hit it, a space opened up."

Loki groans and pinches the bridge of his nose, "This is a magical barrier. Someone is powering it. The only way through is with magic, or whoever it is let you through."

Tony opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by a child like voice, "You're smart. You're like my Moony. Iron Man is just like my Padfoot. That's why I let him in. He jokes like Padfoot. I don't want to be bad, I want to be good so my Daddy From The Skies will love me. Prongs always said he'd love me. Hydra says I have to be bad or they'll hurt me again. Are you here to save me?" The voice speaks directly into their minds.

"Loki, what the hell?" Tony squaks.

"You sent your spirit to the sheild, didn't you? You're the one powering it. How do you know those names? How old are you?" Loki speaks to the voice, ignoring the metal man, "Who are you?" He adds.

The voice giggles, "I told you! I said you were smart! Yes, I'm in the sheild. I can see you, you look like me. Padfoot and Moony are my uncles. Padfoot is my godfather too. Prong is my barer. Padfoot always called him my mommy. He's silly. I'm seven! Today is my birthday! I've only had one birthday. Padfoot got me a broom, Snivillous gave me a special backpack, Moony gave me my animals. A deer for Prongs, a wolf for him, a dog for Padfoot, a panther for Snivillous, and a snake for my Daddy From The Skies. They said he liked to turn into a snake. Black with gold stripes and big green eyes like mine. Prongs gave me my blanket. He said my Daddy gave it to him. He wanted me to have it." The voice answers rapidly.

Loki's breathing stutters. The voice just discribed him in his snake form. And it's discriptions of the Mauraders' behavious was perfect.

"You didn't give us your name, Kid." Tony speaks since his partner didn't seem able to.

"Oops. I only know part of my name. My middle name is James and one of my last names is Potter. I don't know the other one. I don't know my first name either. My nickname is Harry. Prongs said my name was too much like my Daddy. He had to keep it secret. But, he died before Daddy came home. So, I never learned my name. It's not Daddy's fault though. He didn't know I existed." The voice, Harry, says.

Loki's knees buckle as his mind whirls. Had his James really had a child? Harry's discriptions were perfect. But, that means James is gone. And how did he get to Hydra? Loki could only come up with one coherant thought, he had to find Harry.

"Anthony, go do what you came for. I'm going to find Harry." Loki's voice is barely more than a whisper but Tony can tell, there will be no argueing with his god.

"Loki, he's yours, isn't he." Not a question. A statement.


The two men seperate, both ready for their own goal.

Meanwhile, the door to a small cell opens and Strucker grabs a small buy with big green eyes and a ratty backpack full of treasures. "You boy, are going to help fight. Go! Block the labs from intruders. Fail, and you die."

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