Chapter 7: Fated Family

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In the week since Loki's son woke up, they paid the king of goblins a visit, learned Harry's real mane, and made sure that Loki was Haraldar's magical, and regular guardian. Haraldar had begun to learn sign language, magic, sorcery, math, science, history, and all about technology. Loki had gone to Asgaurd to tell the All-Father about his son and was treated like scum so, he swore he would not be seen again in Asgaurd until his son was welcome. They had thrown Haraldar a late birthday party. Tony designed a cube that translated Haraldar's Morse Code into words. Harry called him, 'Dad' for the first time when thanking the genius for the cube. A genius who absolutely did not cry. Wanda and Natasha made their relationship official. The twins publicly joined the Avengers.

And yet, the Sorcerer Supreme hadn't worked up the courage to talk to the men he loved about the metaphorical dog collar Loki put on him.

Not that he minded. He wore his marking like a badge of honor. There were only two other people Loki marked. Tony and Haraldar.

And Haraldar's is different. His says, 'This is my son and if you hurt him, I'll destroy you.' His mark is protection. It's loving and safe.

The marks on Tony and Stephen say something else. They say, "These men are mine, My partners. They belong to me and each other. Anyone else who even thinks about touching them will be hunted down and tortured," Their marks are possessive, obsessive, and dangerous.

And Stephen loved it.

So, when Wade convinced Haraldar to show him his ice katans in the training rooms and Stephen was left alone with the two men he wanted more than anything, he finally grew a pair and asked the question.

"Why did you mark me, Loki?"

"Anthony, have I gone mad, or has our sorcerer finally asked the question we've been waiting for?" Loki fakes shocked outrage and looks up from the book he's been reading.

"I don't know, Lokes. I'd like to think so, but after waiting a whole week, maybe it's wishful thinking." Tony sighs and continues to read over the paperwork Pepper sent.

But Stephen can't think of anything but the way Loki said, "Our sorcerer" so he asks again, "Loki, why did you mark me as yours?"

"I marked you as mine because you are mine. As far as I'm concerned, you've been mine for the past year." Loki shrugs, not looking up from his book.

Stephen curses himself inwardly and tries a different approach, "So, I'm yours. But I'm your what?"

That gets them both to put down their work.

"I know what I want, Stephen. I know what Anthony wants. I know what we think you want. But until you tell us, we can not say what you are. Only you can."

Stephen slowly stands and walks over to the couch the couple are sharing, speaking as he goes, "A partner. A boyfriend. A belonging. A fiance. A husband. A father to your sun. A desire. A need. A possession." he kneels down before them, "Whatever you want from me, that's what I want to be."

Both men watch him with darkened eyes and blown-out pupils. They growl in unison before Loki says, "All of the above." and flies down so he's straddling Stephen as he pulls him into a kiss filled with a year of pent-up want. No, need.

Stephen swipes his tongue across the god's lower lip, asking for entrance which he is granted. He maps the planes on Loki's mouth until he knows them as well as his own and smirks into the kiss when Loki moans into his mouth.

They pull apart, gasping for air, only to have a new set of lips attack his. Tony quickly wins dominance and rubs his tongue against Stephen's while Loki sucks on the sorcerer's neck causing him to cry out.

Tony pulls back, remembering where they are, and smirks, "Wait until tonight, Stephy. You're not leaving this tower any time soon."


When Haraldar came back upstairs not ten minutes later to the floor he shared with his parents, he did not expect to see the three men all cuddled up on the couch.

Loki's sitting in the corner of the couch with his legs stretched out across Stephen's lap. Stephen's scrolling through HBO Max with one hand and his other arm is wrapped around Tony, who's curled into his other side.

Haraldar grins widely, "So, you guys finally talking it out? Good. I was getting tired of calling Stephen by his name." His cube says as he climbs onto the couch into the space between Loki's legs and the back of the couch. "What are we watching, Papa?" He adds once comfortable.

The three men freeze before Stephen whispers, "What did you call me?"

"Papa." The cube supplies while Haraldar looks on innocently.

Stephen absolutely did not then break down in tears and nearly hugged the life out of the small demigod.

Harry didn't see why it was such a big deal. He knew as soon as he saw the three men in his room at the medbay together, they were a perfect set. It was an instinctual feeling of, "This is right." It's as if his very being was shouting, "These men belong together." Which leads to both Tony and Stephen being his parents. Which, why wouldn't he be happy?

He went from having a dead dad and a missing one to three alive and well parents. Plus, all his aunts and uncles that are the Avengers.

He feels that same sense of rightness when he sees Wade and Peter together. Or Wanda and Net. Or Thor and Bruce. Or Sam, Bucky, and Steve. Even Clint and Pietro, who aren't together, give off that vibe.

So, no. Haraldar didn't understand why it was such a big deal, because, in his eyes, it was all fate.

The newly formed family of four chose to celebrate by staying up well past midnight to watch all six Jurassic movies surrounded by snacks, blankets, and a surplus of love.


"Hey Tony, did you finish that pap-" Pepper cuts herself off upon seeing the aftermath of the night's movie fest.

The four boys have fallen asleep, curled up together on the couch. "Jarvis, take a picture of this and send it to the group chat, please." She smiles and steps back into the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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