𝟬𝟬𝟳. unpleasant goddesses and prison breaks

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chapter seven
unpleasant goddesses and prison breaks

GABRIELLA DIDN'T REALIZE how much she was starving until Hera presented the group with sandwiches and lemonade

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GABRIELLA DIDN'T REALIZE how much she was starving until Hera presented the group with sandwiches and lemonade. She seriously regretted not eating breakfast right before she left, and definitely regretted lying to Silena about packing granola bars.

"Grover dear," Hera said. "use your napkin. Don't eat it."

"Yes ma'am," Grover said.

"Tyson, you're wasting away. Would you like another peanut butter sandwich?"

"Yes, nice lady," Tyson stifled a belch.

"Queen Hera," Annabeth said. "I can't believe it. What are you doing in the Labyrinth?"

Hera smiled and flicked her finger, making Annabeth's hair all combed. Gabriella wished it would be that easy to tame Annabeth's hair. The dirt and grime also disappeared from her face.

Gabriella looked at Percy and Tyson, and saw how their faces were covered with dirt and their air was a mess. When she looked at her face reflected on the table she looked perfectly fine. Her two braids were still in place, no lose strands at all. Her light makeup was also still intact. Being a daughter of Aphrodite does have its perks.

"I came to see you, naturally," The goddess told Annabeth.

Gabriella, Percy, and Grover exchanged nervous looks. When a god comes to you, it's not because they genuinely want to. They just want something from you.

"I didn't think -" Annabeth faltered. "Well I didn't think you liked heroes."

Hera smiled indulgently. "Because of that little spat with Hercules? Honestly I got so much bad press because of one disagreement."

"Didn't you try to kill him, though? Like multiple times?" Gabriella couldn't stop herself from asking.

Hera's smile strained. "Why, I must say, seeing a daughter of Aphrodite venture on a quest to the Labyrinth is quite a surprising sight."

She walked closer to Gabriella and tucked her bang behind her ear. "Gabriella, darling, besides your gorgeous face, I don't see you with any real purpose here. Maybe if there were any boys to mess around with and break hearts. . ." Hera walked away leaving Gabriella dumbfounded.

Annabeth glared at the goddess for a moment, then composed herself into a more neutral expression, but there were still hints of displeasure. Meanwhile, Percy didn't even bother concealing his dirty look.

One thing that Gabriella hated more than anything is being underestimated. Especially if it was because of who her mom is. Just because she's born to the goddess of love doesn't mean boys are her whole personality (She doesn't even like boys in that way!). She hates that stereotype of Aphrodite kids being useless, flirty heartbreakers who just sit still and look pretty.

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