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a dimly lit, dank basement becomes the setting for a living nightmare. minho huddles in a corner, his once-bright eyes filled with fear and desperation.

bruises line his tiny frame as evidence of past abuse. the faint sound of his father's slurred voice echoes from above, serving as a constant reminder of the danger lurking just beyond the basement door.

minho cradles a small, worn-out teddy bear tightly in his trembling hands, trying to find solace in the only source of comfort he has.

tears stream down his dirt-streaked face, silently pleading for release from this torment.

the sound of footsteps draws closer, causing minho to instinctively curl into a smaller ball and press himself further against the cold, clammy wall. the lock clicks, and the door creaks open, revealing his father, a menacing figure with a twisted smile.

"ah, my little troublemaker. you thought you could hide from me, didn't you?"

tears continue to flow down minho's cheeks, but he refuses to meet his father's gaze. the confinement of the basement has taken its toll on him, slowly draining away any strength he once had.

"you know what they say about troublemakers, boy. they deserve to wear their sins for the world to see."

with a knife in his hand, his father cuts a smile into the young boy's face. the blade traces along minho's skin, from the corners of his lips to just inches above, etching a permanent reminder of the pain and humiliation he has endured.

minho cries out, unable to suppress the sheer agony coursing through his small body. the scarlet trail left by his father's blade emphasizes his torment, both as a physical mark and a metaphorical reminder of his shared existence with a monster.

minho , wearing a black mask, walks down the crowded school hallway, his eyes focused on the ground. suddenly, he bumps into someone.

jisung stumbles back a few steps but quickly regains his balance. he notices Minho's unique mask and his interest is piqued.

"oh, sorry about that! are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine. no worries."

jisung's eyes linger on minho's mask, filled with curiosity. "that's an interesting mask. is there a reason you wear it?"

minho hesitates for a moment, unsure whether he should share his reasons with a stranger. but after seeing Jisung's genuine concern in his eyes, he decides to open up a little.

"it's...a long story. i just prefer to keep it on for now."

"that's cool, man. i understand. hey, if you ever wanna talk or hang out, let me know. my friends and i usually hang out at my place after school. you're welcome to join."

minho looks up, studying jisung's face. the kindness and warmth he sees in his eyes make him feel like he's found a potential friend.

"really? you want me to hang out with you guys?"

jisung nods enthusiastically, a friendly smile stretching across his face. "yeah! we're always looking to meet new people. you seem interesting. it'd be great to have you around. you're chan's friend, aren't you? minho?"

minho's heart swells with a mix of gratitude and hope. he never expected his encounter in the hallway to lead to an invitation like this. it feels like the beginning of something meaningful.

"yeah, i am. maybe i'll take you up on that offer then. thanks."

"awesome! just let me know, and we'll make it happen. se you around!"

as they part ways, Minho can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. for the first time in a long while, he looks forward to what the future might hold, knowing that he's found someone who sees past the mask he wears and wants to be there for him.

minho stands nervously outside of jisung's front door, straightening his shirt and taking deep breaths.

finally, he summons the courage to ring the doorbell. the door swings open, revealing jisung, who beams with excitement.

"minho! you made it! come on in!"

minho steps inside, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. the living room is filled with laughter and energetic chatter.

jisung's friends, hyunjin, changbin, seungmin, jeongin, and felix, turn their attention towards minho, warmly welcoming him.

hyunjin smiled widely. "hey! jisung told us about a newcomer! i'm hyunjin."

minho nods, then almost feels intimidated by the buff man next to hyunjin. "changbin. nice to meet you."

"seungmin here! glad you could make it, man."

minho jumped at the enthusiasm and heard a chuckle beside him. "call me jeongin. don't worry, these guys are harmless. for the most part."

"hey, i'm felix. super stoked to meet you."

minho feels the warmth of their greetings and musters a shy smile. "thanks, guys. it's nice to meet all of you."

jisung leads minho to the couch, making him feel instantly included within the group.

"everyone, this is minho! he's an amazing guy, so let's make him feel at home."

the group exchange knowing glances before bursting into friendly banter, making minho feel at ease.

hyunjin raised his cup and yelled "to new friendships!" they all raise their cups in agreement, clinking them together. minho feels a sense of belonging wash over him.

as the evening unfolds, everyone engages in lively conversations, sharing stories, and deepening their connections.

minho realizes that beneath their different personalities, these friends are genuinely kind and accepting.

they play games, tell jokes, and explore shared interests. each moment brings laughter and a sense of camaraderie. minho is amazed by the bond that exists within this group.

"wow, this game is so much fun! i can't believe i've never played it before."

seungmin, clearly drunk, laughed. "right? it's our go-to game here. you're a natural, minho!

as they continue playing, jeongin notices the mask that minho is wearing and curiously asks.

"hey, minho, what's up with the mask? you hiding a secret identity or something?"

the room goes quiet, and minho's smile fades slightly. "um, it's... i'd rather not talk about it."

everyone exchanges glances, realizing that minho may not be comfortable discussing the topic. they quickly change the subject, wanting him to feel at ease.

changbin nodded. "got it, minho. no need to dwell on it. we respect your boundaries."

"thank you, changbin. i appreciate it."

the night carries on filled with laughter and joy. the group becomes more comfortable with each passing moment, and minho feels his worries slowly melt away.

suddenly, minho's phone vibrates, interrupting the excitement. he checks the notification and sees a message from his father.

"oh fuck, it's my dad. he's asking where I am."
minho's face fills with anxiety, unsure of how to handle the situation.

jisung rested a hand on minho's shoulder. "hey, don't worry. tell him you're at a friend's."

minho looks at his newfound friends, their genuine concern evident in their eyes. A sense of relief washes over him, knowing he isn't alone in this.

he decided to head out,

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