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jisung carefully cleaned the dirt from minho's scraped hands, his touch gentle yet focused. "you really got yourself into a tough spot, min. jumping out of a window to escape?"

minho managed a weak smile, hissing slightly as jisung applied antiseptic. "yeah, well, it seemed like the best option at the time."

jisung shook his head in disbelief. "you've got to find a safer way to deal with things."

as jisung worked, minho winced occasionally but remained quiet. the room was filled with an almost comfortable silence, broken only by the sound of jisung's careful movements.

jisung's gaze occasionally flicked to the window, a concerned expression crossing his features. "you know, there are people you can talk to, minho. friends, family, professionals."

minho's shoulders tensed, but he kept his gaze down. "it's not that simple, ji."

jisung paused in his ministrations, looking up at minho with a mix of understanding and determination. "i get that it's difficult, but you don't have to go through this alone."

minho met jisung's gaze briefly before looking away. "thanks, but i've managed so far."

jisung finished cleaning the injuries and began applying ointment. "stubbornness can only get you so far, min. sometimes, seeking help is a sign of strength."

minho's lips twitched, a hint of a smile on his face. "you're quite the therapist, huh?"

jisung grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "well, i might not be licensed, but i do have good intentions."

as jisung secured the bandages in place, minho sighed softly. "thanks, jisung. Really."

jisung patted minho's shoulder gently. "no problem, minho. just promise me you'll think twice before jumping out of windows again."

minho chuckled softly. "i'll keep that in mind."

the two friends shared a moment of camaraderie before jisung began tidying up his supplies. the room felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted, even if just a little bit.


sitting at the kitchen table, jisung and Minho sliced into a juicy watermelon, the sweet aroma filling the air. jisung's eyes were drawn to the mask that minho always wore.

jisung took a bite of watermelon and gestured towards the mask. "min, i know i've asked, but... what's the story behind the mask? you always have it on."

minho's expression shifted slightly, a mix of surprise and hesitation. he glanced down at the mask before turning his attention back to his watermelon. "it's just something i got used to, i guess."

jisung leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "come on, there's gotta be more to it. you wear it all the time, even indoors."

minho sighed softly, his fingers fidgeting with his watermelon slice. "alright, fine. when i was younger, i had an incident with my father. he... he lost control, and i ended up with scars on my face."

jisung's eyes widened in surprise, his concern evident. "i had no idea, minho. are you okay?"

minho nodded, a tight smile tugging at his lips. "yeah, i'm fine now. but i never got the scars properly checked out. so, i wear the mask to hide them."

jisung's expression softened, empathy in his gaze. "minho, you should consider seeing a doctor. maybe there's something they can do to help with the scars."

minho shrugged nonchalantly, though a hint of uncertainty lingered in his eyes. "i've lived with them for so long. i guess i'm just used to them."

jisung reached out and placed a hand on minho's shoulder. "but you deserve to feel confident in your own skin. if there's a chance to make things better, even a little, why not take it?"

minho's gaze met jisung's, a mixture of emotions flickering in his eyes. "i appreciate your concern, jisung. it's just... i've carried this mask for so long, it's become a part of me."

jisung smiled gently. "i understand, minho. but don't let the mask become a barrier that keeps you from seeking help or feeling comfortable. you're more than your scars."

minho's lips curved into a small smile. "thanks, jisung. maybe i'll consider seeing a doctor."

as they continued to enjoy their watermelon, a sense of openness and understanding lingered between them. minho's willingness to share his story was a small step towards healing, and jisung's support served as a reminder that he didn't have to face his insecurities alone.

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