Victim ⚠️

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"Do I have to do this?" I asked Hotch as he led me into a interrogation room with nobody except for my girlfriend JJ inside of it.

"It's crucial to the process of finding our unsub."

"But I'm an agent-"

"I know y/n." He said, looking at me sternly. I gulped and walked into the room, shutting the door behind me and sitting on the chair opposite of JJ.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me, scanning my face for any sign of discomfort.

"Not great." I told her honestly. "I don't think I can do this."

"Yes you can." She whispered. I shook my head and wiped my face as tears started to fall. I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees while holding my face in my hands. She moved her chair forward so she was closer to me. "It's going to be ok honey, I'm going to be right here with you through all of it." I lifted my head up and wiped a stray tear off of my face. "It's going to be ok." I gave her a hesitant nod and leaned back in my chair. "Close your eyes and focus on my voice. Try to clear your mind." I took a deep breath and did as I was told. "Think back to when he first grabbed you."

"He um...he grabbed the back of my neck and told me if I screamed he would kill me." I whispered. "The he um...he blindfolded me and stuffed me into the back of a car."

"Do you know what car it was?"

"A car with a trunk so literally anything besides a truck."

"Ok. Continue."

"He hit me over the head and everything went black."

"When did you wake up?"

"JJ I can't do this." I opened my eyes and looked at her as tears threatened to escape.

"Yes you can honey." I shook my head. "Close your eyes."

"I don't want to go there. JJ, JJ stop." I whimpered once I closed my eyes again.

"What was he doing?"

"JJ I don't want to be here."

"It's ok, I'm right here. No one can hurt you. Can you tell me what he's doing?"

"He's raping me." I choked out. I heard her breath hitch. Nobody knew what he had done to me so this was all going to be news to her. "He had me tied to a bed and he wouldn't stop. JJ, JJ I don't want to be here." I let out a sob and leaned forward, almost falling out of my chair.

"Just another minute honey, do you remember anything significant about his body?"

"When he kissed me...he had a beard."

"A long one?"

"No. It was short and prickly. Can I leave now. JJ. JJ it hurts I want to leave!"

"Ok, ok. Open your eyes. You're safe honey. I'm right here." I opened my eyes and pulled my legs up to my chest. "Baby, I'm so sorry I had no idea he did that to you." She moved closer to me and wiped the tears off of my face. She helped me stand up and tried to pull me into her arms but I flinched and backed away.

I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. "What is it?" She tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my temple.

"Th-that wasn't all he did to me." I looked back up but avoided eye contact as I bit my lip, holding back more tears.

"What? What did he do?" I hesitantly took my jacket off and untucked my shirt before lifting it up. It was covered in hundreds of small but deep cuts and some burn marks. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God!" I pressed my eyes shut as more tears came out.

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