What Are The Odds? ⚠️

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I rested my chin on my fist while my leg bounced. Reid was talking about how he made a breakthrough in the case and how everyone of them victims had abusive parents that were all arrested. Also, all of the victims were incredibly skinny which we originally thought they were being starved while they were held, but now he was thinking that they had eating disorders that had progressed a lot.

I started cracking my knuckles to give me something else to focus on. I felt a hand on my knee and I looked over at JJ. "It's ok." She mouthed to me before giving me an assuring smile. I gave her a small nod and let her keep her hand on my knee.

I let Reid finish his theory before I turned to JJ. I waited for everyone to leave before I opened my mouth to say something, but shutting it because I didn't know how to say it. "I know honey." She reached for my hand and squeezed it.

"What are the odds that my life has the same plot line as five victims? Abusive father, arrested right after their 18th birthday, and then an eating disorder." I raised my brows and took a deep breath as I tried not to think about my experiences with it. I knew if I got too caught up in it it would be like a movie in my brain that I couldn't pause or shut off, JJ knew that too and squeezed my hand again.

"It's ok. You're safe here. Just focus on my voice, ok?" I nodded.

"Can you talk about something else though?"

"When we get back home, we can go get your favorite food, and we can to Bath and Body Works and smell their candles." She said, caressing my hand. "We can buy a couple since it's almost fall and of course we have to get candles for fall."

"Yeah, it would be stupid not to." I agreed.

"I know! Then we can go back home and you can sleep in my hoodie and we can cuddle for as long as you want." I smiled and opened my eyes, turning to her. "Does that sound alright?" I nodded and she squeezed my hand again before kissing me. She pulled a box of prison records in front of us and pulled one out. "Are you gonna be ok to do this?"

"I think so."

"Anytime it might get to be too much, think about cinnamon scented candles or just tell me, ok?" I smiled and nodded. I pulled out a file, one of the victims fathers. We had to check for any connections out of the prison or reports for how they behaved.

I opened it and read that he had been in prison for 5 years and had very aggressive tendencies, made friends with a gang but no one had come to visit him in 5 years. "I don't think it's this guy." I said.


"Because if he wanted his daughter killed he would either have someone come in to visit him or he would make friends with someone in the prison who had connections. He wouldn't want to wait, so he would talk to everyone he could instead of making friends with one gang, and he wouldn't want to draw attention to himself so he would try to stay on the down low while in prison." She raised her eyebrows.

"Ok, well I guess we can rule him out."

"Are we looking at the victims parents or everyone that got arrested for domestic violence after their daughter turned 18?"

"Everyone, not just the victims so that we can see if their are any connections between them."


"What's wrong?"

"My dad might be in there." I said, looking at the box of files. "You know what, it's fine, cinnamon candles, cinnamon candles."

"You don't have to do this if it's too much." She reminded me.

"It's ok. I want to do this." She nodded and we continued to work through the files for a few hours.

I let out a sigh of relief as I opened the last one and it wasn't my dad. I could see her smiling out of the corner of my eyes. "What?"

"It's relieving to see all your stress just lift off of your shoulders."

"Yeah." I nodded and looked back down at the table.

"Oh. It's there again. What's wrong?" She moved all the files away from us and moved closer to me.

"It's nothing." I shook my head and gave her an assuring smile.


"I'm fine. I promise Jayje, I really am." I gave her a smile and she nodded.

"JJ, we need you." Emily said, opening the door.

"Bye honey, I'll see you later, ok?" I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too"

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now