Alpha Acey bacey ;)

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"Hey" I winked toward Acey bacey

"Hey shawty" 

"Hey pookie bear hunny bunny poo" 

"Hey my angel, babycakes" He winked at me I felt my cheeks redden

"Acey bacey, you're gonna make me blush!" I slapped his chest I felt his rock-solid abs 

"Stop my sugar baby, kitten whiskers Daddy will discuss it later" He winked again

"Sorry Daddy, I don't want to make you mad" I pouted 

"I could never be mad at you, my kitten" He smirked reminding me of Matt Donavan from the vampire diaries 

"Okay, Pookie!, I was worried your kitten doesn't want to make you upset"

"You already have, you denied your acey bacey of what he wants" He smirked making me pout

"Sorry, you know I don't want to make you mad please Daddy forgive me!" he frowned

"You've made Daddy angry" He howled like the alpha male making me flinch back "This is what I truly am Y/n, and you triggered the curse you naughty girl!" he scolded me 

"Oh no!" I looked at how hot he looked I began to blush " I'm sorry Daddy, I was a naughty girl!" I admitted he stroked my face with his long claws

"Don't worry baby, Acey bacey would never hurt you" He sent me a flirtatious smirk

"But I like to be hurt Daddy" I whined he let out a growl

"Ok, baby you've made Daddy very happy" he bent down and kissed my toes making me giggle

(You know what happens next ;) )

Y/n and her love interests one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now