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Jace has been a great help throughout the pregnancy. He didn't seem nervous at all. My water ended up breaking yesterday. That's when Jace started freaking out. Let me reenact how it went down.


Karen- Jace? My water broke.


Karen- Jace I'm not going to die just drive me to the hospital.

Shelly- Yeah Jace hurry before she has the babies here.

That really freaked Jace out more.


Then Jace drove me to the hospital.


When we were at the hospital I was making fun of Jace.

"I was not like that." Jace said.

"Yea you were. You were acting like it was my final day to live. I'm just giving birth I'll be fine." I said.

Jace and I were in the hospital room for hours. Then it was time for me to give birth. Jace was still freaking out that boy can never calm down whenever  something exciting is happening.

For a few hours I was pushing and the the first baby came out of me. It was a baby girl. Three minutes later the boy came out of me. Jace went to see them and he was crying so much.

The doctors let me hold them and they were the most beautiful things ever. I'm finally a mother.

"So do you have a name for them?" The doctors asked.

"Yeah. Chris and Wendy." I said.

I gave the babies back to the doctors and they took them away for a few minutes. When the doctors came back they gave me my babies back. Jace held Chris and I held Wendy.

We didn't leave the hospital until the next day. Before I went into labor Jace and I bought a house. We moved all of our stuff in that house but we were planning on officially moving in after I gave birth.

We drove back to Shelly's house and everyone was waiting for us so that they can meet the babies.

"Hey." I said.

"They're adorable." Shelly said.

"What are they're names?" Tammy asked.

"The boy's name is Chris and we decided to pick a middle name for him and his middle name is Kenny." I said.

Kenny was tearing up.

"What about last name are you guys going to hyphen it or just have one last name?" Heather asked.

"We're going to hyphen it. Chris Kenny Mccormick-Garcia." I said.

"What's the girl's name?" Stan asked.

"Stan I want you to know that I'm still devastated over Wendy's death and I always will be. I know how much you loved her. So we decided to name her Wendy Chloe Mccormick-Garcia." I said.

I gave Wendy to Stan so he could hold her. He's going to be an amazing uncle. I could already tell that he's going to have an amazing bond with her.

"I'll be back Karen I'm going to get everything ready in the house so we can move in." Jace said.

Jace left and I decided to call Clyde to show him the twins. He absolutely loved them. I was exhausted from giving birth so I just let the gang take care of them so I can go to sleep. I know for a fact that I'm going to be even more exhausted if the babies cry a lot.

I woke up after a few hours. I walked downstairs and my nieces and nephews were holding the baby. They looked so adorable.

"Aw has Jace came back yet?" I asked.

"No but he did call us and said to get ready because he's taking you on a date." Eric said.

"Oh ok I'll get ready then." I really need to go on a date with Jace. I got ready and I left. Jace texted me the address of the place we were supposed to meet.

We met at a beautiful garden. I couldn't find Jace anywhere. I then texted him saying that I was here but I couldn't find him. He texted me saying that there's ribbons on the floor and that I should follow them.

If I known I was going to walk I would've never worn high heels. My feet are killing me. I finally got to a place where the ribbons end. No one was at the place and I started to think that I did this for no reason. The only things there was a decorated gazebo.

Right when I was going to leave I heard my name. I turned around and Jace was in the gazebo wearing a tuxedo.

"Babe? What's going on? And next time tell me when I'm going to have to walk so that I won't wear heels my feet hurt." I said.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you no matter what." Jace said.

"Are-Are you breaking up with me?" I asked.

"No I would never. You guys can come out now." Jace said.

Out of nowhere photographers popped out of nowhere and some singers too and my family and Jace's family where there too. Jace took my hand and brought me inside the gazebo.

The singers were singing my favorite song "yours" from Russel Dickerson.

"Remember the day we met? That was the day I knew you were the one for me. When you first kissed me after our first hang out I rejected you because I thought we were moving too fast. Then I introduced you to my friend Nate I was really jealous when you two started dating because I knew I was too late. When we kissed again while bowling you said it was a mistake but I didn't think that way. You broke up with Nate and then we began to date. It's almost been a year since we started dating. Now since we have twins I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will always love you never forget that. So what I'm trying to say is. Karen Mccormick will you marry me?" I was crying so much.

"Yes." I said.

The ring was beautiful. I'M FINALLY ENGAGED. I can't believe it. So what happened after a few months? Well I got married to Jace. I'm officially Mrs. Garcia. I've never been happier in my life. Chris and Wendy learned how to crawl.

My life is finally complete after all the shit that happened to me when I was 14 it's nice to finally feel happy again. I started to have a new and healthy relationship with my biological parents and my brother Kevin. I also met Jace's parents for the first time they were so kind. Overall I guess I can say that I have my perfect family for now.

I am planning on having like 2 more kids with Jace but not right now. I'm just so happy I'm married to the love of my life. I will always love him. Karen + Jace= forever? I guess you're right.


Thank you for reading "Karen's love story." I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please make sure to recommend this story to everyone you know but of course make sure to tell them to read "Death park first" until next time.

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