Oscar Pine was a simple farm boy from Mistral. Who just happened to be the 'lucky one' in the next line of countless reincarnations of Ozma/Ozpin. Making his way from his aunt's farm all the way to Haven, he joins the fight against an ancient evil t...
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(M/N) Pines
(Note: This picture does not have to be how you imagine him. It just felt a little bit weird to me to not have a picture for his bio.)
(He can look like this or however you want him to be. This is still a Reader story after all)
(And yes, it was done with NovelAI so you have probably noticed certain gestures that look out of place)
(And to tell you the truth, this is kind of how I imagine my male reader to look like)
The older brother of Oscar Pine.
Not much is known about him at the moment, besides being Oscar brother. Only that he possesses incredible powers and has been seen to use magic. A thought to be impossible ability due to the Brother Gods actions after Humanity first attempted to rebel against them.
It is mentioned by both (M/N) himself and Oscar that (M/N) has been on a training expedition for reasons known only to the older Pine. Perhaps his abilities are to answer. It is unknown what the full extent of his powers are.
But what is known to him, and his friends is that his powers are not his semblance.
Strong, unyielding, and protective. (M/N) is not a person you would want to make your enemy as Team RWBY and Qrow found out all too quickly when they began to verbally abuse Ozpin and Oscar.
He does not know what to truly think of the truth. But what he does know is that he was not going to let his brothers (since Ozpin is now apart of Oscar soul, he is also (M/N) brother) shoulder this burden alone.
He truly hopes that RWBY and Qrow understands that just because something seems hopeless and impossible. It does not mean that it is the end of everything.
He has also amassed a strange array of friends in his journey.
He has mentioned that the name Chains of Heaven repeatedly kept appearing in his mind until he named his power that.
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