2 𖥸 Welcome to Hell

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"So, what now?"

I had just been standing around for a while as the Demon King began to distract himself with other things.

There's no way he actually forgot i was here?


"You will serve in the Ten Commandments, go start your training!" he says back sternly as if he'd already told me a hundred times.

Why am i surprised that the Demon King has a short fuse?

He doesn't give any further instruction or explanation..

But, i'll admit i was slightly scared to ask anything else.

I leave the room and decide to try and find wherever i'm supposed to start my training.

But, surprisingly enough there wasn't any signs around a demon castle directing me where to go.

I hadn't even seen anyone else i could ask for directions..

I'm just stuck walking around aimlessly in this giant castle.

Eventually, while rounding a corner, i bump into someone and quickly take a step back to see who it was i collided with..

I'm met with a black haired boy dressed in red, staring at me, looking confused.

But, it was hard to tell.. he seemed to have one of those faces that just always look angry.

We somehow ended up in some kind of staring contest, each waiting for the other to speak first.

Even though i definitely should be the one to explain myself in this situation, i may have got a little caught up in what i assumed to be a challenge..

Apparently, i didn't even notice the blonde haired boy standing beside him, who eventually speaks up..

"Are you two just going to keep staring at each other?"

I forget about the staring contest and turn to the boy, quite surprised that i managed to miss his presence entirely..

"Where do i go to... train?"

I realise i started talking without really knowing where i was going.

To be fair, it came off about as confused as i felt so it all worked out..

The black haired boy then bluntly asks, "Who are you?"

"I'm Y/N, who are you?" i say glancing back to the black haired boy.

"Zeldris, the kings executioner" he says in a tone like he's trying to make a point..

"I can't tell if you're trying to threaten me or impress me?"

His eyes widen at my response, but the blonde haired boy laughs and speaks up again..

"I'm his brother, Meliodas, by the way. I've got some stuff to do but Zeldris here will show you where to go!"

He gives his brother a wink before laughing as he walks off.

"Your brother seems more fun,"

I was mainly just trying to get a reaction from him..

But, he just sighs and turns around signalling me to follow him.

"What are you?" Zeldris asks as we start walking.

"Are you always this blunt?" i ask, being slightly offended by his question.

"Usually," he says a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"So, you can smile?" i point out with a smile of my own..

But, sadly, he shakes it off and instead asks "So what are you training for?"

He then looks me up and down and adds "You don't look like much of a fighter,"

"Looks can be deceiving Zeldris, and besides isn't that what training is for?" i reply with a smirk, and i can see him fighting a smile once again.

Maybe i should be writing this down..

I feel like i've just broke a record getting him to smile twice.

Well, almost smile twice.

When we eventually arrive at the training room, there's no one there...

"There's no one here?"

And Zeldris replies, "No, doesn't look like it" walking further into the room.

"So, uh, what do i do?"

I'm not sure why but i'm just expecting him to have the answers to most of my questions..

"It all depends on your abilities and your powers, a mage wouldn't get the same training as a knight"

"Can't i just learn it all?" i say with a smirk..

I wave my hand to open up a small portal and reach in to pull out my sword.

Zeldris' unsheathes his own weapon and says, "We can have a quick spar, just so i can see what you're abilities are"

"It would be an honour Sir Zeldris!"

I give him a curtesy and a smile and he simply rolls his eyes back..

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𝙑𝙊𝙄𝘿 / 𝘡𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now