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"let's play pop up the balloon"

Riki said .

"I will get the Hello Kitty doll for you"

"this one is for you"

Riki added as he thrown the dart.

"see I'm a pro"

Riki exclaimed and he handles the Hello Kitty doll to Maiko.

"I know that it will sort off remind you of your friends,"

"but can you take it and not throw this away,"

"I hope you will remember all the good memories with him during your childhood "

"of course!!",

"I will still reminisce all of the memories with him,"

"and I will take this to witness our moments from now on"

Maiko excitedly said.


Maiko suddenly notice that some of the people keep looking at her.

Then she realised that the bruises on her arms is visible .

She cursed under her breath for forgotten to wear her cardigan.

Riki noticed how Maiko felt uneasy and he quickly take out his leather jacket and put it on Maiko without questioning her anything.

"do you want to sit by the lake?"

Riki asked as he cleared his throat.

Maiko just nodded her head responding to Riki's question.

"look at the swan "

"it's look like they're dancing with each other"

Riki said pointing to a couple of swan that keeps encircling each other as they both are dancing.

"I always admire your dance , especially when you are dancing gracefully and really into every single details of your move"

"the swans resemble you a lot"

Riki added.

meanwhile Maiko is still in freeze sitting there with blank expression.

"but I don't think I resemble the swans"

Maiko suddenly spoke.


"what do you mean by that?"

Riki asked.

"probably because I think I resemble the butterfly a lot"

" what made you think that way? "

"maybe.. because I'm also beautiful like the butterfly "

Maiko said , you can see that a little smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

Riki giggles a bit looking at her action.

"Riki can I asked you a question?"

"do you have any worries?"

"everyone have their own worries Meeko"

Riki goofyly said.

"can I ask another one?"

"sure , go on "

"why do want to end you life badly?" .

Maiko asked, you can see how she care for him that requires a lot of guts to ask the question to Riki.

BLACK SWAN | NI-KI  [ 니키 ] of ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now