Frumusețe din Interior(Pt.2)

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Alcina POV:

I awake the next morning and sit up, pulling the blanket off of my body and standing up. I look at my hands with some sort of curiosity and start to feel insecure.

'What if Y/N won't like me? Find me beautiful? Or even... love me?' I think to myself.

I creep out of bed and slowly approach my mirror. I start immediately over thinking my entire being. 'What does she think about stretch marks? About my skin being so pale? About my smile? My teeth? My crow's feet? What if I'm... too old for her? Maybe she likes younger? or NORMAL sized women.'

I sigh and trace my fingers over my stretch marks and stomach, tears streaming down my cheek. I hear a knock on my door and quickly wipe my tears and sit at my vanity, acting as if I've just started it.

"Enter." I say as my hand maiden, Felicia, comes in with my tea.

"Lady Dimitrescu." Felicia says before setting down my tea.

"Is there anything else I shall get for you?" She asks with a small, delicate voice.

I tense a bit at the question and start to ponder. "Yes, who do I have a meeting with today?" I ask her, hoping and practically praying it's not that STUPID man thing Heisenberg.

Felicia smiles, "Oh, yes, Mistress Dimitrescu, you have a meeting with Lady Beneviento , Lord Moreau" I nod, "And Lord Heisenberg" I cringe at the name and take in a deep breath.

"Yes, of course, let them into the opera hall as soon as they get here." I say to her, trying to look strong and prideful.

She nods, "Yes, mistress, of course, mistress." She replies to me and bows before leaving my room and closing the door.

I sigh and rub my temples, I know this is going to be such a dreadful, stressful day.

|Hours later|3rd POV|

"Shut up, lady supersized -"

"Don't you DARE finish that sentence, you VILE man thing!" Alcina yells, cutting off Heisenberg from finishing his sentence.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Angie chants dancing around the foyer like a- well, a psychotic doll.

Alcina stands tall, pulling out her razor-sharp claws, trying to strike fear into Heisenberg.

"Mother Miranda wouldn't -"

"Be quiet, you pește urât!" Alcina yells at Salvador, cutting him off.

"Yeah, shut your goddamn mouth, you moronic freak!" Karl yells, making Salvador cower back.

"Calm down, ugly! You're not THAT stupid!" Angie cackles before resting on Donna's lap.

Alcina and Karl continue to argue, this time going up to the roof tops. little do they know you were listening, giggling to yourself at the childish antics.

"That is it!" Alcina roars, tired of dealing with Karl, along with all these pent-up emotions she mutates, turning into her final form.

You gasp, seeing her huge hellish form. Though she's scary, she still shows elegance.

"Okay supersized bitch! I didn't mean for it to go this far! Calm the hell down!" Karl yells, trying to be nice for once and calm her down, but it doesn't seem to work out.

"Hey, Y/N!" Karl yells, seeing you from the corner.

"A little god damn help would be nice, ya know!" Karl yells, running and hiding behind you.

You hear roars and turn to alcina. Your heart drops as you see her filled either pure anger flying around the castle lashing out on random things.

"Lady Dimitrescu! Please, mistress! Let's talk about this!" You yell while running towards her.

She doesn't know it's you and thinks you're just a random maid, making her feel even more livid.

She flies towards you, and you start to run away.

"Dimitrescu Calm the hell down!" Karl yelled, picking up rope metal scraps to pin her to the ground.

Her form shakes the building causing you to fall through the floor, as your falling Karl catches you and you nod, as a quick thank you, he tips his hat and runs of for Lord knows what.

"My lady, please!" She flies through the floor, pinning you to the ground with her gigantic claw.

She looks down at you, and you down even recognize her. Her eyes are so different, filled with rage.

You steady your breathing and make eye contact with her.

"Mistress Dimitrescu, please, calm down, let me speak to you." You put your hand on her claw and her grip on you loosens.

You kiss her claw while looking into her eyes. They start to soften as she becomes normal, well, her normal self.

"Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't can't believe I've done this, I'm so, so sorry..." She tells you with tears coming out of her eyes.

You embrace her, holding her tight and have tears coming down your eyes.

You hold each other for a while, listening to each other's breathing and the rhythm of each other's heartbeat.

You pull away and look into her eyes. "My lady, I think you're beautiful. You're re the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, and I mean that with my entire being."

Tears come out of her eyes, and you wipe them away, then gently kiss her Vermillion lips.

She jumps a bit at the act but kisses you back. The kiss filled with raw and pure love.

"Y/N, may I court you?" Alcina asks you, holding you close.

You smile and kiss her cheek, "Of course, my lady." You whisper to her.

"Alcina." She says, you cock your head to the side in confusion.

She smiles, "Call me Alcina, please."

You hold her tight, "I will once you put some clothes on." You giggle and she gasps looking down at herself then covering up.

"Touché Y/N, Touché."

(pește urât means ugly fish in romanian)
Hope you all enjoyed this! Remember, requests are still open! Stay safe, and have a good morning, evening, or night!

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