|L.A.D| Will you be my paramour?

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It's around midnight when you and one of your friends, Tinca walk into a jazz club, a jazz club called 'Red Beryl Palace' better known as 'Palatul Beril Roșu' Though you were slightly embarrassed by it, you were very excited, you've loved jazz since you were a kid, the beautiful voices coming from your parents radio always seemed to make you happy, especially the women's voices, but you keep that part hidden- as much as possible...

You stood outside the club, admiring the outside decorations and lights. "Luca, shake a leg, won't you?" Your friend yelled at you, doing her best man voice she could. She straightened out her clothes and posture and walked in.

You did the same, forgetting for even a minute you both were dressed as men and using fake names- mostly because women are supposed to be at home with the kids and not allowed in men's jazz clubs at night, only waitres and preformers were allowed.

As you entered, you saw the stage, and your jaw slightly dropped. It looks so different at night, so enchanting.

You and 'Radu' aka Tinca, sat near the front, wanting to see the performers up close, enough to where you can see what notes they're playing and a blur of the music they may be reading.

"What can I get you gentlemen?" The waitress asks, as she stands at your side.

"Salty dog, and make it stat." Tinca says while looking towards the waitress.

You pause for a moment, trying to remember the drinks men usually order.

"Blood and sand." You say blankly, eager for the performers to come out.

The waitress nods and walks away. As soon as she does, a woman in a red, shiny dress walks on stage, "Welcome, gentlemen, to our. Oh-so popular, Jazz club, Palatul Beril Roșu!"

The crowd starts clapping and whistling, mostly at the woman on stage.

"For our first act, give it up for-" You started zoning out as soon as the waitress brings your drinks. You look up at her and nod, then take a sip of your drink. You look over to Tinca as she looks at the waitress, sending a wink her way.

You roll your eyes, knowing she's going to take advantage of being dressed as a man.

A few bands play as you and Tinca sit there, listening, and enjoying the music.

"Y/N," Tinca whispers to you, your turn your head towards her. "Can we leave, please? I'm 2 and a half drinks in and already got the waitresses' telephone number." She whines a bit.

"We'll leave after the last act." You whisper back to her, and she nods, slouching a bit in her chair.

"And now, introducing..." She pauses for dramatic effect, and you groan a bit, "Miss D and the Pallboys!" She finishes and walks off stage as the curtains open up.

You see a beautiful woman in a white dress, with crimson lips, close to the microphone, she starts to sing.

A slow, enchanting, melodic song starts playing as you're captivated by her, and her kyanite colored eyes,, as the show progresses, she makes eye contact with you, and your heart starts to race as she sways towards you, men in the crowd whistling and howling at her, yet, she comes to you.

She gets closer to you as she starts to finish her song and grabs you by your tie.

"Like some other men..." The lady in white pauses before getting closer to your face and looks at your lips then back at your eyes.

"...do." she steps back and walks back down the stage, swaying her hips a bit with a wink towards you, men are what you would assume, patting your back, more like slapping the crap out of your shoulders and calling you a lucky man.

"Miss D NEVER, and I mean never, goes out to men like that! She's always a tease and never touches them even a bit!" One man tells you, and your lips parted a bit, in simple shock.

You hear someone clear their throat, "Luca, we've gotta get going. You know how the misses will get when I'm out too long." Tinca says, making up a quick like to get out of there.

You shake your head no, "Radu, I must speak to this woman." You say to Tinca, ignoring her slight groan.

"Excuse me, sir?" You turn your head to see a different waitress, "Miss D has requested you come to her dressing room." You pause for a second, then put on a smile.

"Why, yes, of course, I'll be there in a jiffy, just gotta get my tabs taken care of!" You tell her, and she nods.

You look over to Tinca and mouth. "That woman is going to be the death of me." Tinca pauses.

"Who?" She mouths back to you, and you roll your eyes.

"Miss D" you whisper.

You toss some cash down and stand up. "Ah, yes, right this way, sir!" The waitress tells you, and you follow her to the room before waving off tinca.

What's so special about this woman? Beside her beautiful, angelic voice, crimson lips - and oh so gorgeous eyes?



Good evening, everyone! This is just part one of this story, but please comment on any requests, and I'll get to it asap! I'll try to post at least once a week! I'll see you then! -M

Also, the scene is kinda this the who framed Roger rabbit scene!

Edit: Grammer and writing mistakes

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