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I can not believe what I just witnessed.
I am running away from my prestigious job, with no possibility of going back, leading a robot and two other rebellious coworkers past a sentient fence that just got sent into a depressive spiral of sadness and shut itself off.

What is my life, at this point?

We hop over the concerningly alive fence and run into the trees as guards who catch on to what we are doing follow suit. Byte seems extremely distressed by this.

"Oh, jeez, not again! Um, guard people, could you not-"
A loud buzzing sound comes from behind us-
"OW! What was that for?!"

May helps Byte speed up a little bit as I run as quickly as possible from all of them. I don't even particularly like this robot thing, but now that I've been dragged into this situation, I may as well be a little helpful, so I have to slow down and let the others catch up.

As it turns out, that was a really good idea, because right in front of us stands another fence.

"Hey, Hawk and Bite, would you mind doing your little reverse-therapy thing on this one too?" I look back to see their reactions. Both of them seem a bit upset by my incorrect uses of their names.
Whatever, I say.

"This fence isn't run by AI, ya doofus." Byte looks at me with confidence. It thinks it can give me sass? I've been here longer than any of-

Ah. Right. It was built about seven years ago, so technically...

"Fine. Just... Figure something out."
I look at the ground around us, trying to find anything useful, but as expected, it's just a bunch of dirt, rocks, mud... The only thing I know what to do with this in our situation would be to throw it at the security team.

Which is exactly what I plan to do.

I turn around with what I can only explain as a 'gleeful' face and start chucking handfuls of rocks and mud at security. "I'll hold em off. This'll be fun."

I don't have the best throwing hand, so most of my little attacks miss, but when I do hit someone, their reaction is priceless.

As Byte saws through the fence with its scarily deadly yet underused claws, I continue with my rock-throwing, which is going gloriously well and None of the guards have been brave enough to get any closer.

"Alright, crazy madman, you can stop throwing rocks. We broke the fence. Get over here, quickly!" May grabs my arm and practically drags me through a hole in the fence, much to my distress, and doesn't help me at all when I end up scratched up and on the ground.

"What the heck, man? I can walk on my own!"
I glare at May.
"Obviously not, since I had to drag you."
May glares back.

And then Byte glares at both of us and makes us quit arguing.

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