Ranking "Sqare up"

51 8 5

Today i will rate the Blackpink Album "Sqare up". EnJoyyyyyy.

4.See you later

I think the song is ok. I am not always able to listen to myself. But I like that the second chorus uses so "Asian" beats. But the song itself is ok. If I were to do a whole ranking of all Blackpink B-sides, See You Later would be one of the last places.


3. Really

I really like it, especially when Blackpink perform live with it. I especially like the lyrics of Lisa's rap parts. I don't have much to complain about the song but the other 2 are much better.


2. Forever Young

One thing I don't understand is that so many don't like the Beatdrope. I am obseesd im and always vibe to it. The song as well as Really give me real summer vibes, which is why I listen to them more often now. The song is perfect.



That was my first Blackpink song I heard. I remember, back then on December 24th, 2019 I got a Just Dance for the Ps4. This song particularly caught my eye. And yes, after that I became a kpop addict.


Overall: 32/40

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