Ranking "I feel"

53 10 5

Hello Guys, today i will rate (G)-idles Album "I feel". Do some tea and enJOY this Chapter☕

6. Peter Pan

i love the opinion Only, I only heard the song once and otherwise I would never do it again. I would recommend it to anyone who needs more self-awareness.


5. Paradise

Minnie is really good at writing songs. She has proved that again here. The song is beautiful and deserves more attention.


4. Lucid

In my opinion, Minnie can become a songwriter if she doesn't feel like being an idol anymore. She writes really good songs. Lucid has a very expensive sound, which comes across as majestic.


3. All night

(G)-idle really has one of the best idol song hosts. I love it when idols are allowed to write their own songs. Anyway, Yuqi wrote this song. Slay queen.


2. Allergy

The meaning of the song is very sad. I think every teenage girl has been in this situation, which Soyeon represented very well. This song has a very special place in my heart.


1. Queencard

When this song was released, I was in my worst life situation. All of my "friends" presented themselves as fake friends. (G)-idle helped me a lot to get back on my feet.


Overall: 45,5/60

What is your opinion ?

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