Flutters ♡-K.M

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Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader

Type: Fluff

Requested: Yes

hello you can write notice 23. "Oh, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?" for klaus mikaelson, trying to woo his soul mate doing everything possible to impress her

Summary: Klaus will do anything and everything for his girl.

Warnings: Fluff. time skips. Short.

Prompts used:

23. "Oh, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?"

"Well, Love?" The Mikaelson hummed, he had asked the girl of his dreams, Y/N, out on a little date. The man was convinced that the beauty was his only and only, his forever love, his soul mate. The girl narrowed her eyes at him, pulling her lips into a thin line. "I don't know, I'll think about it." She shrugged her shoulders before turning back to her book that lay on her lap.

The Hybrid had been pestering the girl for a few weeks now, from the moment he saw her standing next to her best friend in the small shop, he had done everything to get her attention. And what helped him with his plan was when his sister took interest in the girl soon became friends. This ensured that Y/N went over to the Mikaelson's household often.

"Oh, come on Love what's the worst that could happen?" His eyes were big, almost puppy-like. His siblings turned to face the couple with a very well-known look on their faces. "Would you like me to answer that honestly?" Y/N asked him, her eyes still on the page she has been trying to read for the past 20 minutes. "No, but-" The snap of her book interrupted his sentence. "One date?" The girl asked her hand holding up her index finger. "Unless you'd prefer a second, then a third and-" "Okay, be ready by 6." Y/N stood up, placing the book on the table before walking out, with Rebekah not that far behind her. "You know brother, she is a lovely lady. What are your intentions with the pretty Y/N?" Klaus glanced over at his brother smiling. "Marry her." He stated as if that was the most obvious thing before he too exited the room. "That was blunt."

Klaus took her to one of his favourite places, pulled out her chair, paid the bill and walked her to her apartment. That's how their first date went, the second went down a similar way, though Y/N was the one to choose the date location. The third was when Y/N pecked Klaus' cheek and muttered a small 'thank you' and 'goodnight'. Rebekah told Y/N the following day about how her brother woke them up talking about their date and Y/N's affection towards him. Said that his constant gushing was making them sick. Y/N laughed.

After the fourth date where they went stargazing Y/N had placed both her hands on The Hybrid's face muttering a 'thank you' before kissing him. On. His. Freaking. Lips. Once she pulled away she giggled at his lost expression before telling him not to wake his siblings, followed by a goodnight. Klaus may or may not have stood frozen on her doorstep for a few minutes.

"Come on Klaus it'll be fun." Rebekah had been trying to convince her brother to go to a local carnival for the past four days, with no luck it seemed. "Rebekah, I have no desire to mingle with lovesick humans." His response was almost the same as the previous one. "Y/N said she hadn't been to one in years, she's going to be there you know." One of the Mikaelson brothers commented. Now, this peaked his interest. "She is?" His sister nodded before leaving the room. "Well, then I believe it would be appropriate for me to accompany her."

Klaus was very pleased he came with to the carnival. Y/N looked beautiful and said that she just put on her most comfy clothes, though Klaus thought she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his cold eyes on.

During the carnival, Klaus had done what any other guy would play silly games to win small gifts for a girl. Though he was most likely the only one to use a bit of compulsion here and there, only a little. And he would attend a thousand more of these if it meant he got to see her eyes sparkle each time he gave her a plushie.

"Thank you for joining us Klaus, never thought you'd be the type." The girl said next to him on their way back to her apartment. "I'm full of surprises Love." Y/N giggled, the sound made Klaus smile turning his head a bit to look at her. "You are beautiful." He whispered. Y/N blushed at his words. "You know, I think after the fifth successful date, I'm allowed to say that I'm entirely in love with you," Klaus muttered once they reached the doorstep. Y/N blushed, "Maybe one more date would also clear my feelings for you." She offered after she unlocked her door. "This weekend?" "This weekend." with a small peck, the girl entered her apartment.

Klaus had picked Y/N up at her place, driving them to a small coffee shop for breakfast. "So, Love how have you been?" Klaus asked once the waiter left to prepare their order. "Been busy, you know the usual human stuff," he answered the man, her eyes taking in the shop before stopping at his. He hummed smiling at her. "And you?" She asked. "Oh, you know the usual Klaus stuff." Smirk displayed on his lips. "Murder?" The man nodded, eyes on the waiter who placed their drinks down.

"Anything new?" Y/N nodded her head slightly. "Yep. You know I've been hanging out with this guy lately, he's like super hot and charming." She told him taking a sip from her drink. "I see, do I know this 'guy'?" Klaus asked her trying to hide his smile. "I don't know, but he's pretty well-known." Her finger traced the rim of her glass. "Really, well he must have done something to be so well known." "Oh, yes. He likes to threaten people and kill them. It's hot, to be honest." "You think that's hot?" Y/N nodded her head. "He's kinda like a walking red flag."

Just as on their past dates, they wound up at her doorstep, though this time the girl invites the male in. "You know what would make me the happiest man ever?" Okay so maybe their date is still on. Y/N was lying on top of Klaus in her living room one of her favourite movies playing in the background, while her hand drew patterns on Klaus' arm, his hand softly running through her hair. "No, what?" "If the girl I've been pining after for the past few months say yes to being my girlfriend and then in a few marry me," Klaus whispered in her ear. Y/N's head shot up a dark blush covering her cheeks while smiling at him. "Well, have you tried asking her?" Y/N asked him, placing her chin on his chest. "I'm about to." He stated, Y/N's smile widened her eyes gleaming up at the male.

"So, Y/N what about I become your Were-boyfriend and you be my queen?" Y/N smiled at him before closing the distance between them, and kissing the man. "Oh, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?" was the first thing Klaus said once they separated. Y/N giggled as he wrapped his arms around her body pulling her closer. "Well, maybe because I now have an extremely hot boyfriend, and he's being all cute and cuddly." "Really?" "Hmmm, I might just maybe be in love with you." Y/N hummed. "Oh, only maybe, well we've got to fix that, don't you think?" "How?" Klaus just smiled at the girl, his girlfriend, and kissed her. 

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