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IT WAS ONLY 4 WEEKS AGO that Diana Marlowe and James Potter had spend the night together whilst at a gryffindor party, and whilst Diana couldn't stop thinking about it, James Potter hadn't thought about that night since, and Diana could tell, he went back to his old self, following around Lily Evans, asking her out every second of everyday and causing mayhem throughout Hogwarts.

Nothing changed for him, but everything changed for Diana. Diana had always had a little crush on the Potter boy, not that he would ever of known that, a lot of girls had crushes on the infamous marauder boys; James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Everyone in Hogwarts knew who they were, especially Potter & Black, they had their reputation of ladies men, charmers and the best looking boys in Hogwarts, it was hard not to know who they were. But they had no idea who Diana was, not many people did, people like James and Diana were complete opposites. Diana was a Hufflepuff for starters, not many Gryffindors conversed with the likes of Hufflepuffs who were known for their kindness and their hearts, whereas Gryffindors were known for their bravery, their outgoingness, two complete opposites.

One person who Diana did converse with from the house of Gryffindor, was Potters crush herself; Lily Evans. They studied together in the free periods that they had, and Diana couldn't help but feel the guilt build up in her stomach when she thought about sleeping with Potter. Diana knew all about Potter crushing on Lily, and whilst Lily always said no to his advances, stating that she would never go on a date with someone like him, she couldn't help but feel that one day something could happen between them, they would fall in love and live happily ever after. Now, because of Diana, that happy ending may not happen, all because of that one night.

Deciding what to do was something keeping Diana up at night, did she tell Potter about the baby or not? She could bring this baby up on her own, she had been brought up independent and strong, no matter what happened she would love the child, she would have her mothers help of course, her mother was with her through thick and thin, especially since it being only her mother, Diana and her little brother growing up, her mother would never leave her through something like this. But what if he wants to know about his baby? was a though stuck in Dianas head that she just couldn't shake.


Walking into the hospital wing, Diana couldn't help but notice her hands shaking as she waited for Madam Pomfrey to arrive for her appointment, she couldn't help but wonder if Madam Pomfrey would silently be judging her, she hadn't known of any other witch becoming pregnant whilst at Hogwarts, was she the only one? Would she be kicked out of Hogwarts? Would Dumbledore be angry at her?

Whilst deep in thought she didn't realise the mediwitch had already walked in, "Hello, Miss Marlowe, to what do i owe the please of you arriving here at-" Madam Pomfery looked at the clock, "8am in the morning."

Diana swallowed the lump that was in her throat, suddenly unable to get the words to come out of her mouth. The night before she had prepared what she was going to say, she was going to be strong, but in this moment, it was suddenly becoming real and everything that Diana had though of suddenly went out the window.

Madam Pomfrey looked worried at Diana's expression, "are you okay dear? You've gone very pale," she led Diana to one of the nearby beds, allowing the young girl to take a seat. "tell me child, is something wrong?"

"I've done something very stupid, Madam Pomfrey," she said, not looking the other witch in the face, "I think i'm pregnant."

"I see, dear." The witch patted the young girls arm, "let me examine you dear, just so we can be sure."

Diana lied down on the medical bed, lifting her shirt up just enough that her bare stomach was visible. To others, it was invisible to the eye that Diana might of been pregnant, no signed of a child in her stomach was visible, it was like nothing was in there, but when Madam pomfery cast a spell above her stomach, one thing was for certain; she was definitley with child.

"It seems you were correct, Miss Marlowe, you certainly are pregnant." Diana put her head in her hands as she sat up on the bed. Madam Pomfrey couldn't help but feel sorry for the young girl, she knew how she would be feeling, but just because she was with child didn't change who she was, she wasn't a bad student, she wasn't a reckless teenager, she was human. She wasn't the first young girl to come into the ward pregnant, and she most certainly wouldn't be the last. These young teenagers were humans, and every so often humans make mistakes, it doesn't change if we are good people or not, and Diana Marlowe was certainly not in the category of a bad person, everyone knew that.

"Diana dear, I understand you are probably in shock, but I do need to ask you some questions." Diana nodded, knowing what questions were about to come. "Do you know who the father is?"

"James Potter."

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