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"I THINK GOING HOME IS THE BEST THING FOR ME AT THE MOMENT, HEADMASTER." Diana told Dumbledore, as she stood infront of him in his office.

Dumbledore sighed; Diana sprinted into the headmaster's office after talking with James, rushing in before the tears flowed. The young girl didn't want to acknowledge it, but James' words had upset her. She wasn't naïve, as he had said, or a dumb little girl; she was a woman who was ready for everything, even the most difficult things in life, like this. Diana thought about how strong her mother was and how she had passed it down to her daughter, her mother treated people with kindness no matter what the situation was, no matter how they treated her, what they said, or what was happening; Diana's mother always told her daughter that the way to get through life was to smile and be nice, because those who don't and treat people wrong and hurt people are ultimatley unhappy. It costs nothing to treat others with kindness, and Diana wanted to make people happy, she wanted to love and be loved, it was the thing that continuously motivated Diana.

But at this moment, Diana couldn't bring herself to have a smile on her face, not a natural nor a forced. She needed her mother, she needed someone to reasure her that everything was going to be okay, normally she could pick herself up easily, but right now she needed someone to guide her into the right direction, not just for her, but for her future child.

"I believe you have spoken to Mr Potter then, Miss Marlowe." Diana didn't want to talk about it with the headmaster, and she didn't want to talk about it again; the conversation with James was over, they had both agreed that this was Diana's child, and that was that, but of course, other people needed to know, especially the headmaster.

Diana nodded, "yes, headmaster, he decided he didn't need this in his life right now, so uh I shall be having the child by myself." Dumbledore gave Diana a sympathetic smile, knowing it may have come to this.

"I understand, miss Marlowe. Now, you must realise that to leave Hogwarts would mean to leave your studies, which we do not wish to happen, so I must ask if you would want to continue your studies at home. You are an intelligent young lady so I have trust that you will keep up in time at home?"

"Of course professor, I do wish to return to do my NEWTs, i will be further along in my pregnancy but I still wish to graduate Hogwarts, sir." Diana told the headmaster eagerly, she wanted to stay at Hogwarts but she knew in the situation she was it, it was better if she wasn't.

"It is decided then, you may go home for as long as is needed, Miss Marlowe, but i do have reason to believe you won't be able to stay for away for long, you have more people her who care about you than you think." The headmaster told the young girl with a gleam in his eye that she couldn't quite put her finger on as to why. Diana knew that Dumbledore was wise beyond anyone else, he knew stuff that other people did not, but Diana had a curious mind and couldn't help but wonder if he knew something that she didn't.

"Thank you headmaster," Dumbledore nodded as Diana exited his office to pack her belongings from her dorm room. She didn't know how long she would be gone, but she knew she needed to leave, she needed space, she wanted to think about the future, and she needed to hear what her mother thought; her mother's voice of reason soothed Diana and helped her think clearly, and that was exactly what she needed right now.


"Marlowe cottage!" Diana shouted as she flooed back home to her families cottage. Her family's cottage was little, but there were only three of them, so it was very comfortable for them; they liked it, it was cosy, and it had everything Diana desired in a future house. The walls were covered with moving picture frames with images of the three of them and numerous of her father Bernie. When Diana and Otto returned from Hogwarts, they would say good morning and good night to their father's photographs. He wouldn't respond, but it provided them a chance to remember and connect with him.

"Darling! Oh my goodness, I had no idea that you were coming back! I was coming to visit you, especially after being contacted by Dumbledore." Amelia Marlowe ran over to her daughter as she saw her coming out of the floo, bring her into a gigantic bear hug.

Diana couldn't hold it in any longer, with a mixture of pregnancy hormones and hurt feelings, she broke down into her mothers arms, unsure of what to say to her mother. Amelia stroked her daughters hair, reassuring her daughter that everything was okay.

Bringing her daughter to sit to the sofa near to them, Diana continued to cry, unable to speak. "Didi, what's wrong darling? I understand that pregnancy is a big shock, but please do not feel that I am angry at you, i'm shocked of course as anyone would be, but do not feel that I am angry at you, how could I be when you're carrying my grandchild." Amelia wiped her daughter's tears away and moved her hair out of her face.

Getting her breath back, Diana wiped her tears away. "It's not that mama, he doesn't want the baby, which is fine, I some how expected it, but when he said it, it hurt more than I expected, and now I just couldn't bring myself to be at Hogwarts, I ruined everything for him, he loves someone mama, I couldn't take that away from him, he deserves to carry on as he was, he doesn't need to be reminded that I'm pregnant everytime he sees me."

"Oh darling, give him time, he's young, both of you are. Neither of you have your lives figured out and throwing a baby into the mix won't help either of you finding that direction, it'll only make it harder, and that's okay; life is full of different directions, you don't need to choose only one path." Amelia smiled at her daughter who nodded, "You also need to think of your own feelings for once, Diana, you talk about not wanting to mess up his life, but what about your life? It takes two to make a baby, this isn't just your burden to bare, it is his responsibility too, maybe he should take your feelings into consideration too."

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