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It's been almost a week since that incident happened, Taehyung tried his best to search for the boy but he couldn't find him anywhere as if he was vanished from the city

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It's been almost a week since that incident happened, Taehyung tried his best to search for the boy but he couldn't find him anywhere as if he was vanished from the city. The college he dropped the boy last time, Taehyung would wait for the boy at the entrance but he couldn't spot the boy anywhere.

Meanwhile for Jungkook the whole situation was more like irritating and annoying, he never hated someone's presence in his life this much. He admits that at first he was wrong, he kissed the man without thinking anything also he wasn't in his right state of mind that time.

But still!! Still he went to apologize to him and what he did after that??? He took advantage of him and kissed him!? At this point Taehyung was nothing but a pervert to him.

The boy had to wait until the man leaves and then he would just take a total different route to his dorm. All these hard work he had to do to only avoid this man. And he swears, it was making him hate that man even more.

Today was nothing unusual than other days, the last class of Jungkook's was already done. He just wants to go home as soon as possible and watch his favorite series with some ice cream. Today was a bit hot than usual.

The boy stopped on his track as he looked outside the main door, hoping to see a very familiar face today as well. The two boys with him wasn't confused anymore by his actions. They were long introduced to it.

"I don't think he came yet, our today's classes schedule is different. How can he know about it?" Jimin says, looking at the boy who was busy observing the outside world, he looked like he was in a war field, being very careful about his next step.

After analysing for a moment, Jungkook himself also understands maybe Jimin is right. His classes were done an hour earlier today, if none of his friends inform the man anything about it, he can never know about it.

His only friends are Jimin and Jin and obviously they won't betray him. They can never betray him. Being very proud about the thought, Jungkook steps out of the main gate, face capturing a very bright smile, today everything felt like more beautiful.

Opening his arms, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath trying to inhale every ince of the oxygen trees left for him. The boy twirls, the bright smile still being plastered on his face but he was soon stopped on his track when his fingers brushed against someone's body.

The moment Jungkook opened, his eyes fell on a certain man who was standing right infront of him. The bright smile didn't take a second to vanish away as if it didn't even exist before for a moment, arms still being opened, looking like he was welcoming the man to give him a hug.

His doe eyes which were sparkling a moment ago, were now wide opened. Brain can't processing how in hell did this man get here at this time. Before even letting his brain process anything the boy turns his heel only to run away from the place but soon his both legs were in air when a tight grip was held around his waist, widening his even more than before.

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