Chapter 4 - A Search For Truth

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Author's Note: I'm like 100% certain that not one single person will guess the mastermind. xP

~ Amins Gila

This doesn't make any sense. How could the Council do this?! Ahsoka doesn't think she's ever been so confused and angry before – not even after the Temple was bombed, given that somehow, they're blaming Anakin for that too.

This is Anakin. Her master. And they just – how could they do that? How could anyone believe this? He's one of the best Jedi the Order has ever had. How could the Council not see that after everything her master has done for them and the galaxy?

And they literally threw him out of the Order.

She wants to scream. Or cry. But nothing she does will make the Council change their minds or make them undo what they've already done.

The Temple Guards are about to lead him away now, and she has no idea what's going to happen after that. Rex already contacted her to check through recordings, but she hasn't been able to find anything fast enough yet.

They're about to keep moving when she sees Obi-Wan approaching.

"Anakin," he calls.

Anakin looks up, though his expression is uncertain, hurt, and... a dull acknowledgement all at once.

"How could you do this?" Ahsoka demands, furiously, without waiting for Obi-Wan to speak, "You know Anakin would never do this!" It's hardly a respectful way to talk to a Jedi Master, but she's too angry to care right now. She can't believe the Council would do this, and that Obi-Wan wouldn't even... be able to stop it.

"I know, Ahsoka," he interrupts, "This was not a decision anyone on the Council wanted to make."

That doesn't even make any sense. "Then why did you?"

"The Senate was demanding it," Obi-Wan replies, bluntly. "Without sufficient tangible evidence, we could give them no valid reason for refusal." He's looking past her at Anakin as he says it.

"So that's just it? You threw him out because the Senate said so, even though you know he's innocent?!" Ahsoka demands, voice rising. None of this makes any sense to her. Why would they have to do something that's clearly wrong just because of politics?

"As I said, it was not a decision anyone wanted to make," Obi-Wan insists, taking a step closer to her no longer master. Because of the Council. And the Senate. "Anakin, I am... sorry things came to this." There's a sincere regret in his voice, but she's still too upset to care right now.

"I understand," Anakin replies, quietly, avoiding his gaze.

"We will do whatever we can on our end to find... further evidence before the trial," he promises.

Anakin only nods slightly, and Obi-Wan looks as though he's going to say something else, but then opts not to.

Ahsoka's not sure if she wants to scream at him or cry more, but she can only watch, doing neither, as the Temple Guards lead her master away. To a trial that could easily lead to... to – No, she can't think about that.

Everyone knows what the penalty for treason is in the Republic, but it's not something she even needs to begin thinking about it. They'll prove Anakin is innocent. They will. She has no idea how anyone could even think he's guilty in the first place, and they just need to find a way to make that obvious to the Senate.

"Ahsoka," Obi-Wan starts, finally snapping her out of... staring vacantly at the corner of the hall that Anakin disappeared around.

"What?" She can't help that she nearly snaps. She only partly feels bad about it.

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