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You wake up in your bed. You had just had the worst night of your life. You just lost your job and your parents kicked you out. You were currently staying with your best friend, Jax. He had agreed to take you in as long as you helped him with his job so that's where you were going. After about 15 minutes you and him were ready. On the way he explained that today he had to work both the day and night shift. Great. You had to stay there for a whole day pretty much. You sighed and continued looking out the window. Where did Jax work anyway? You had never asked him, just agreed as it was late and you were tired. "Hey Jax, where do you work by the way? You never did tell me." "Oh the uhh... mega pizza plex 'cause they pay really good". You look at him for a second before saying "you mean the place where kids are going missing?" "Yeah that one" he said with no reaction. "Never mind" you say as Jax pulls up to the plex. "Here we are" he says getting out of the car. You sigh following him and going into the plex. "Well for the day shift I have to check on the animatronics and remind them of their schedule and for the night shift looks like I'm taking officer Vanessa's shift because she's out do to 'recent events'. Well you can help me take care of the animatronics and when the night shift comes you will stay in one of their rooms sound good?!" "Umm sure"

~Time skip cuz I can~

"Well this is the first animatronic, Freddy!" He knocks on the door and a animatronic bear opens the door looking confused when he sees you. He was tall and very fuzzy. "Hey Freddy this is Y/N he'll be working with me today and he'll be staying with one of you for the night." Freddy stares for a second before saying "Well hello their Y/N it's nice to meet you! I hope you have a fun time here" you smile and say "thanks" before Jax cuts in "well Freddy have you had any issues since I've been gone?" "Nope I'm all good!" "Well that's nice it seems you have 4 parties today! Wow!" Freddy looked very happy as he nodded"well we will see you later Freddy" "bye Jax, bye Y/N!" "Bye Freddy" you say in unison.

"Next up is Roxy." You look at the door as Jax knocks on the door with no response. He knocks again before going in. You see an animatronic wolf at her vanity talking to herself "ROXY" Jax shouts and the wolf turns around very annoyed until she sees you,  now looking confused. "Who's he" she asked bluntly. "This is Y/N. He's gonna be working with me today. Anyways have you had any malfunctions or glitches while I was gone." "No Jax we've been over this I'm perfect in every way" "yeah so perfect you cry every night" she looks at him with shock and then you wave good bye "bye Roxy" "bye y/n and jax" 

"Next is Monty he can be ... a handful so if you wanna wait out here it's ok" "no it's fine" he knocks and a very large gator who looks pissed opens the door and before Jax can even say hi he looks at me and asks "who's he and what's he doing here" "damn like deja vu" you said while Jax grumpily replied "this is Y/N he will be staying with me for my shift and then staying with one of you for the night" "well he ain't staying with me" you looked slightly offended and he laughed. "Monty did you have any complications while I was gone" "no I didn't now scram" "oh Monty you have 2 birthday parties to attend" you wave to the gator "bye Monty see you later" "bye dweeb"

"Last on this floor is chica but be warned that you might be squished" you were confused but as soon as he knocked and the chicken saw you she scooped you up and squeezed you and said "hello what your name!! It's so nice to meet you!!" Jax laughed and you just looked at him and he said through chuckles "chica put him down" she look somewhat sad but did so "wow that was something I'm y/n" you said through gasps. She chuckled and said "that's a beautiful name" Jax nudged you on the shoulder and you kicked him because you knew what he was thinking. He then talks to chica "chica any malfunctions while I was away." "Nope! All good" "good, and seems you have 2 birthday parties to attend." "Wonderful! Well I'll see you later" you walk away uncomfortable more than anything.  But time to move on.

~up in Bonnie bowl~

"Here is Bonnie" you look around at the bowling alley and admire the animatronic displayed on the wall. You must have zoned out 'cause when you came back to reality jax was staring at you smirking and you soon figured out why "like what you see 'cause were about to meet him." You blush at the comment and hurriedly follow him. He stops at a stage and climbs up helping you follow him behind the curtain. He stops at the door and knocks and a very furry bunny answers you froze in place staring at him. He must've noticed 'cause he smirked and said "like what you see bunny" you blush at the pet name and lightly nod just enough for him to notice and he smiles even more. "So Jax who is this beauty" you blush even more as Jax responds "this is Y/N he will be staying with me for my day shift and staying with one of you for the night" Jax changes the subject and asks "Bonnie any malfunctions or anything size I've been gone" "no but how many birthday parties do I have to attend?" "3 and that's good" you find yourself still staring and Bonnie seems to think something but doesn't say it just smiles to himself. Jax has to nearly drag you away as you visit the final animatronic (we're not going to do sun and moon cuz that's someone else's job ig)

~down in pirates cove~

"Lastly and certainly not least, foxy my personal favorite" You look at him and give him a look, he just nervously chuckles, and a plan forms in your head and you smile to yourself. You follow him to a big pirate ship that hid a door he knocked and you knew now was the time to initiate your plan. As soon as the door opens you shove him into the fox animatronic him a blushing mess, you and foxy laughing your asses off as he looks at you and mouths the words  'I will get you back for' and you know almost exactly what he's gonna do. Anyways he goes through the usual, stuttering the whole way through. You wink at foxy and he blushes a little then puts his focus back to Jax.

Now that Jax is finished with his checkups he asked the hovering queastion. "So who's room are you gonna stay in? Lemme guess Bonnie's?" You blush and slightly nod "I knew you liked him and don't worry I didn't forget with what you just did so beware" you kinda regretted what you did but not really. You head to the bowling alley as it was almost closing time you knock on the door and Bonnie answers it you were about to say hello but of course Jax chooses now to get his revenge. He pushes you but you miss Bonnie nearly falling to the floor but Bonnie catches you and it looks like he's dipping you. But of course Jax wasn't yet satisfied and pushed Bonnie on top of you bringing you to the floor with Bonnie's chest against you face Jax says goodbye and you both get up blushing heavily "so uh you chose to stay the night with me bunny" "yeah sorry for that it's cuz I kinda pushed Jax into foxy cuz jax has a little crush on him so this was his revenge. I'm sorry for how embarrassing that was" "it's fine bunny, I enjoyed being on top of you" you blush and sit on the couch.

Haha cliffhanger cuz I can. Hope you enjoyed and can't wait till next time. Love y'all.

1409 words

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