Fazer blast

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~Continuing from where we left off~


You and Bonnie had gotten dressed and were about to leave but you had to help Bonnie with his makeup so you went to his vanity to get it when you saw two pictures of you and Bonnie sleeping. You knew that Jax must have taken them. You slip one into your clear phone case and grab the other one to show Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie look at this" you hand him the photo and he blushed while saying "that's cute but who took it?" "Probably Jax cuz that sounds like a him thing to do so why don't we get him back?" You both smirk and you do Bonnie's makeup. You Stratton him a bit while in deep focus. Bonnie thanks you and he grabs his personal fazcam. You both walk together to pirate cove. You quietly open the door to see foxy hugging Jax from behind, both of them still sleeping. You grab the camera from Bonnie and take two photos setting them down on foxys vanity. You both look at eachother smirking as you walk to the kids cove section and grab the markers and glitter glue. You go back in and draw a fox on Jax and a dock on foxy with some glitter everywhere. You both walk out snickering and as soon as you leave the vicinity. Then you hear the screams "ARGG, WHAT THE FUCK HA'ENED TO ME FUR!? BONNIE!!" And "WHY THE FUCK IS THEIR A FUCKING FOX ON MY FACE!?! Y/N!!" You and Bonnie both run as you hear the door open and you see them chasing after you. You and Bonnie are laughing your asses off as you run away from you fuming friends

After about an hour of running to you and Bonnie finally run out of energy and they tackle you foxy is yelling at Bonnie but Jax just looks like he could kill you and says "your gonna regret this" you look at Bonnie and he's now getting up. He helps you up and you all walk back to pirates cove. You tell Jax to check foxys vanity. He come out with both of the pictures and sticks one in his pocket while showing foxy the other. Foxy blushed a bit and his expression softens a bit. Now that you are all calm you decide to visit the others.

Bonnie sends a text to everyone to meet them in fazed blast. No more than 20 minutes later the whole gang was there; Freddy, Roxanne, Monty, Chica, and of course Bonnie, Jax amd Foxy. You decide it's gonna be you, Freddy, Monty and Chica versus Roxanne, Jax, Bonnie and Foxy. Your team is blue and Jax's is red. The automated voice starts the game, "welcome to fazer blast. In this game everyone has 1 life once you have been shot please retreat to the overview where you can watch the match. Please do not shoot for the eyes and begin." You run with Monty and Freddy runs with Chica, as you have decided to run in twos so if someone shot your teammate you could shoot them back. That was a good strategy, right?

Anyway Monty was watching your back as you were watching his. You heard some running and giggling and you immediately figured it was Roxy you and Monty looked at eachother and nodded you momentarily split up trapping Roxy. She was so focused on trying to shoot you that Monty got a clear shot before she could even pull the trigger. When she got out she threw her fazer blaster to the floor and growled but she then went to the viewing area. One down 3 to go. But apparently one of your teammates was down according to the scoreboard. So now it was a 3v3. Great. But just then you heard footsteps that weren't Monty's so you turned and saw Jax and foxy together. This was your chance to get a few points. You  motioned for Monty and you both lined up the shots but Monty missed. Jax was out but now foxy was chasing you. You ran the other way and came to a dead end. You spotted some barrels and jumped a wall. Luckily, foxy was just out of view and had no idea where you went. He must have thought you went in the barrels because that where he checked. And while his focus was on the barrel you got him pout. Now it was just Bonnie. You looked at the score board and somehow Bonnie had gotten both Freddy and chica out so now it was just you two. You looked up at the viewing area and saw everyone who got out with popcorn because they knew it was about to go down. Before the match had begun we all made a deal. Whoever wins gets to tell everyone what to do for a week. Everyone wanted to win for different reasons. Chica wanted to win so that they could all have an eating contest. Roxy wanted to win so that everyone could go to Roxy's raceway and let her win. Freddy wanted to win just for the fun of it. Jax wanted to win to get revenge on you. Foxy wanted to win so he could get all of the others into his troublesome adventures. Monty wanted to win so everyone would treat him like a king. Bonnie wanted to win so he could make specifically you do things. You wanted to win so no one else would make you do stupid things. But now it was you versus Bonnie. After your dream last night you almost wanted to loose. You mentally slapping yourself for thinking that and move on. You hear footsteps and hide in a corner but you don't see him. Where the fuck was he? You look up and your eye were met with his and before you could shoot ZAPP. You had lost. You were kinda sad that you lost but kinda happy it was over. But wait you lost. That meant Bonnie won. That meat he was in control. You're face slowly shifted to a face of somewhat fear. But you quickly replaced it with a half smile. Bonnie picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. You giggled and started to play with his ears and scratch his head. He begins to purr. "Bonnie you can fucking purr?! Why did I not know about this?!" Bonnie chuckled "well you never asked" you fake outed and went back to making him purr. You both went to the viewing area to meet everyone. Everyone congratulated you and Bonnie. Bonnie gave everyone smug looks as he told everyone "well since I won, everyone has to do as I say for a week. First we're going to Bonnie bowl!!" Everyone agreed except Roxy who was still mad she was the second one out. But of course she had to agree. So off to Bonnie bowl you went!

Thank y'all for reading this I hope you enjoyed. Love you and see you next time bunnies

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