(IM BACK) makeover

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(OMG YOU GUYS I LOWKEY FORGOT ABOUT WATTPAD, I COME BACK AFTER A YEAR AND OMG THIS STORY DID NOT DIE! TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPPORT, AND HOPEFULLY I CAN WILL MYSELF TO ADD WAY MORE STUFF! I'm also working on another story, and maybe get some ruin bits in there, yknow can't have a good story without a tragic ending everyone hates 😅. Anyway, enjoy this long awaited treat, sorry I'm still getting back into writing. Also I lowkey forgot what this story is about and any ideas I had for it so, it may be a little dry for the next story, but don't worry, my delulu's will make your dreams come trelulu.)

It had just been four hours when the guys all woke back up. They awoke to their partners and friends ... giving them a makeover? (YASS QUEEN SLAAYYYY) they were definitely unhappy...

(these parts all happen at the same time, but I wanted to try a new writing style)

Monty POV:

I woke up feeling fuzzy, bright flashes blinding me. Were those, pictures? I open my eyes and see myself in the mirror. WTF DID THEY DO!! I had a red wig on, all my show makeup had glitter, and not too mention it looked like it was done by a kindergartener!


everyone laughs and I notice JM kinda looks a little sad while he laughs. CRAP! He must have done it, shit I fucked up. He's not gonna forgive me! 

Monty looks a bit saddened and worried, but quickly covers it up, while JM and chica start taking the stuff off, roxy unable to help, too busy dying of laughter, only stopping to help freddy.

Monty looks at the other guys before their makeup is off, and they looked kinda funny-


Monty started to laugh, accidently rocking forward as chica took off the wig, pulling at monty's hair

Foxy POV:

I woke up, a sore pain in my ears and on my nose, but I was unsure of what it was. I looked in the mirror and ... honestly not that bad. by all the piercings and lack of makeup, I assume Jax did this, that little gremlin. I look at the other guys, about to comment on it before monty yelled out. him and his yelling. I feel someone's hands on my shoulder and it's Jax. I point my chin to the ceiling so I can see him. He looks so proud of himself, it's so cute! Since he was on a stool and i was sitting down in a chair, we were at the perfect height for a kiss, and that's what we did. 

I love it~ (foxy)

I'm glad you do~(jax)

Monty laughed and yelled, but we were in our own world. Jax let me out of the chair, and we snuck out. I think I know what he has in mind~

Bonnie POV:

I bolted awake, still furious. Once the puzzle pieces started to form I finally was brought to what the fuck was going on. I was immediately awoken to a giant poster of Lola bunny. Then another piece clicked

Wait a fucking minute

That. Wasn't. A. Poster. I heard the giggles of none other of the girls and all the little fuckers that we call our lovers, playing fucking dress up with us.

Y/n: good morning cottontail~

Bonnie: You are SO lucky I love you, or you'd be regretting this deeply

Y/n: Is that so? I think you look good as ever

Bonnie: What, do you want me to admit you're a good makeup artist? To be fair y/n is, but if it weren't for my looks he couldn't have pulled it off so-

Y/n got up on my lap and wrapped there leg around me, playing with my ears. I stare into their beautiful sparkling e/c eyes, a smile creeping across my face. I chuckle softly and hug them, kissing them on the nose and finally relaxing.

To be fair I slayed looking like Lola bunny, Space Jam come hire me. 

Freddy POV:

I awoke in a panic, quickly calming down realizing what was going on. I was mad because I would have done this willingly, but whatever makes them happy I guess. I looked over at the other  guys and laughed softly. Monty commented on the stupidity of his look and before everyone even started laughing, I saw JM immediately seem hurt. God damn he has a good poker face, but he also does have a good face in general. I examined myself in the mirror closer, it's like they made me "whinnie the thot". I laughed at my own joke and then realized as soon as they tried taking the fun makeup off, they'd take my makeup off. Right after Roxanne started to help me, whilst she was putting the wig away, I slipped out. I swear I heard another door open and close, but I had to get out before people started to use their heads. I went back to my green room, but I blacked out somewhere along the way...


(MUAHAHA, CLIFFHANGER! I hope you enjoyed, wait what was it I called y'all again? I'm too a lazy to look back so ima guess. Honeybuns? My children? Idk, for now ima call you... my munchkadies. Yeah. Anygays have fun y'all!)

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